change in blood pressure

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Active member
Nov 2, 2009
Austin Texas
I was put on metoprolol prior to surgery(December 1st). I never had an issue with blood pressure so I assumed it was to keep the heart rate down. It is now 6 weeks post op and I am still on the metoprolol. 25 mg two times daily.My heart rate is averaging mid 50s to mid 60s but in the last week my blood pressure has skyrocketed. I have been put on a low dose of lisinopril to try to alleviate the high blood pressure without lowering my heart rate any more. I am going to see the cardio next week so hopefully he can give me some insight on why my pressure has changed so drastically. Is this a normal occurance for people after heart surgery? It has gone from an average of around 120-130/75 three weeks after surgery to 160-180/90 this past week.
Any ideas? It was a nurse from one of my doctor's that made me aware of the higher numbers which match the readings I am getting at home,but when I have it taken at cardiac rehab the numbers are not as high.

Hi Kevin, I am 14 days post-op and have experienced some of the same symptoms you have with regards to BP. I developed Atrial Fib issues after surgery that kept me in the hospital a couple of extra days. My BP was in the 170/110 range and had some pulses in the 130 range laying in bed!!:eek:

I spent a good deal of time in bed watching the monitor they had me hooked up to. It was explained to me that weird BP's were a result of the trauma done to the heart during surgery and will correct itself in time. I am seeing improvement every day and I guess its all a function of good drugs, good rest, and positive attitude!

Hang in there!

Yes, Kevin it happened to me too. Very high BP and A-fib first couple of days after surgery. I am now 6 months post op and still on a beta blocker and 20mg lisinopril. My BP has now stabilised to about 110/65 and resting HR in the 50's to 60's. These are the measurements we get 3 times a week in cardio rehab.

Seeing my cardiologist on 10 Feb and will then discuss coming off some of the drugs...
Have a doctor check this

Have a doctor check this


Same with me. Are you checking through a BP machine? I had an interesting experience. I started seeing high readings on mine. Like, 150/100. All of a sudden it shot up. I felt fine, very good to. So went out and bought another machine, it read high as well. I took the machine to my cardio, and we compared. They tested it at 130/84, and a minute later, machine tested 155/105! I was told to take the machine back. Two weeks later, went to my GP, and they tested this at 120/74.

Hey Neal,
Yeah, I had my machine checked both by my cardio and at cardiac rehab and it came out good. Switched from the lisinopril pills to a Catapress patch and things are where they should be again. Absorbtion was the key for me.
I take 50mg of Toprol XL in the am, my heart rate is always between 50-70 beats per minute. My bp runs around 120/70 during the day at night it might creep up a little bit so they put me on 2.5mg of Norvas at night. He might just adjust your bp meds a little. This change with the norvas was done during cardiac rehab after it way up one day and they took me to the ER. Good Luck!