Cardiovascular distress

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
Anyone heard that term before?

I went to my primary care doctor (GP) on Monday for my three monthly review, he does a general check, weighs me, does blood pressure, listens to my heart then gives me three months supply of prescriptions.

My cardiologist told me to get him to refer me to the gym to get more exercise, yes, he can write a prescription for this! When I got home I looked at the prescription and it said under "Reason for referral" Diabetes and cardiovascular distress. He also stressed that he didn't want me to do too much, to take it easy and only do gentle exercise. Mmnn, I wonder what the cardiologist had written in the letter to him!
Maybe you are reading too much into what he wrote. Sometimes they word things a certain way to either get you the right kind of therapy, or to make sure it is covered for as long as he wants it to go on.
This is true, mind you I have to go back to see him next week to have a full set of bloods taken, he said he doesn't want to leave it until my next scheduled review in three months, also I am being referred to a renal specialist and the diabetic centre, the latter so they can start monitoring my retinas.

Ah well, it is all free except seeing him, I had expected him to tell me that he would be taking blood next time he saw me in three months, the appointment has to be early morning with me fasting. I was a bit surprised when he said I needed it sooner rather than later.