Cardios say the weirdest things!

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--
So far, so good with work...I like my classes and the kids are overall pretty good. I told them about my surgery the first day of school (plenty of rumors going on last spring from me having a panic attack, to getting attacked by a student--crazy what the kids come up with!), so I think many are afraid to tick off the heart patient teacher. :p

Anyway...called my cardio today because my husband has been pressing me about when we can, I guess, resume our intimacy. Obviously we haven't since I started becoming symptomatic, and I was too embarrassed to ask my cardio at our back-to-work visit. I called Dr. V, and asked him. He explained some things to me about being careful, but he said, "If you have sex with your husband or ANY OTHER SIGNIFICANT OTHERS, you want to be careful about your incision area." :eek: :eek: :eek: Oh my gosh, I couldn't believe he said that!!! I wanted to say, "Thanks a lot, so you think I'm a loose woman. Great."

Anyhow, just wanted to share this because looking back, I'm sure he wasn't suggesting anything, but it's kinda funny. Anyone else have any weird things their cardios have told them?

Thanks for reading this. It made me laugh. :p

Debi (debster913)

By the way--I'm trying to get my hubby to get "fixed" b/c we don't want kids, and the cardio is still advising me not to. Actually, he says, "Don't get pregnant." I can't believe he's wary of the procedure when I just had major surgery! Good grief!!! Any advice on getting him to go?
Whew! I keep looking at your surgery date and then the content of your post.

I think I waited about a week! :D

I can't remember if I read it on this site or my Cardio told me directly that "intimacy" is roughly as strenuous as climbing two flights of stairs (hopefully not as short, however). I can honestly say that climbing two flights of stairs was basically my entire drive for the first week after I left the hospital. :)
I guess he's been afraid that I'd cough up my valve or something :rolleyes: . Anyway, not really been in the mood lately. "Not tonight dear, my incision aches." ;)
It wasn't my cardio who said the odd thing, it was the surgeon. When he went to speak to my daugher immediately after the operation to tell her how it went he said "We won't know how successful it has been until she is dead". My poor traumatised daughter was amazed at that comment but in retrospect I guess it makes sense, the longer I live the more successful it will have been. However, I am sure there was another way he could have put it to her. :)
Ah ha, now the whole wanting to do porno names idea becomes more clear.:D

If I remember correctly, we have a member here (can't think of who) who confessed to not waiting until they got home from the hospital to resume "relations". Yes, it was a guy.

Shhhh, it's been almost 15 years since my surgery and Glenn still thinks I haven't been given the all-clear.:p
Holy smoke! That reminds me of a story my dad told me about his friend, whose wife was going to have a baby. I guess the friend asked his wife's ob/gyn how soon they could have sex again (he couldn't wait), and the doc told him, "As soon as the baby comes out." Talk about a horn dog! :rolleyes:

And Ross, I gotta get some action sometime! 6 months is a long time! Heh.
debster913 said:
And Ross, I gotta get some action sometime! 6 months is a long time! Heh.

And who will be the lucky one, your main significant other, or one of your other significant others?:p :D
Karlynn said:
If I remember correctly, we have a member here (can't think of who) who confessed to not waiting until they got home from the hospital to resume "relations". Yes, it was a guy.

I tried that but the wife wouldn't go along with it!:mad: :mad: :mad:

I must say though that constant complaining does wear them down and they will eventually relent... even if it is after you get home. Now I didn't get that permanent fix pre-surgery to be told no.:p :D
So I have two records to break, eh???!!!!:mad:

One for soonest post after surgery and one for soonest sex!:eek: I guess if I have to settle for only one record - I guess y'all will see my first post like two weeks after surgery:D

I tell my lovely wife that sex cures all ailments. I think she is starting to disbelieve....

sorry - deb that is a funny comment. Maybe his experience shows him that sex with "other significant others" is more vigorous and poses increased risk to incision or sternum. You know not just plain old "married sex"...:(
the first thing I told my wife when I was awaking after the surgery was........
"I'm horney" !!!
She laughed and I told her I was serious. This all happened in the ICU with nurses and my mother around.

It made my wife feel much better about the outcome.
My husbands 2nd day home from the hospital I was giving him a back and shoulder rub and that was our first time after surgery. Now after five years he still says, how about one of them back and shoulder rubs and we both know what he means.
That is one aspect of being single that sucks! No back massages or anything else. :rolleyes:

I think I propostioned one of the nurses while having my cath done. I was so high on valium I can't remember what I said. One of my Cards is a woman and she said I was quite entertaining during the procedure. I can only imagine, it has the same effect as alcohol for me :)

O' yeah and I kept asking about that cute nurse while I was in CICU too. Man, she was hot. :D
Oh, Lord, makes me wonder if I said anything suggestive during my heart cath. I get pretty loopy stoned, even if the only times I've been stoned had something to do with my heart. The nurse who shaved me before my EP study was a guy I'd dated once in high school...:eek:,yeah, and we all know where we get shaved before these caths! AND I certainly hope I didn't say anything dirty to my cardio during my angio, either. Not like I'm attracted to him; he's older, gray, and hairy. (Even though I'm married, one of the male nurses WAS pretty cute!--Maybe I said something "inappropriate" to him--this is coming from a normally reserved person who has NO inhibitions whatsoever while under the influence!!!)
Not to worry, I'm sure they get quite a bit of that. Seeing people on pain meds all the time. I'm sure they see and hear a lot of entertaining gestures.
I wouldn't quit talking while I had my cath (not that I can remember everything I said) but I do remember them telling me not to move at all because I kept lifting my head up while talking. They finally put a curtain in front my head so I couldn't see them. Then suddenly I said "Were did everybody go, why are you hiding from me?" I think they were one step away from straping my head to the table. :D :D :D
mtkayak said:
I wouldn't quit talking while I had my cath (not that I can remember everything I said) but I do remember them telling me not to move at all because I kept lifting my head up while talking. They finally put a curtain in front my head so I couldn't see them. Then suddenly I said "Were did everybody go, why are you hiding from me?" I think they were one step away from straping my head to the table. :D :D :D

Now that's funny! I'm very hard to sedate. I yacked all the way through my cath and my electrophysiological study. The nurse for the EPS told me to tell her when I got uncomfortable and she'd give me another boost. Finally, interrupting my yacking, she said "Honey, with the amount of drugs in your systerm right now, you should be out like a light." Oh well.:eek: I have no idea what I was talking about, but I do remember talking a lot. The Dr. that did my EPS was an egotistical jerk so I'm pretty sure I wasn't hitting on him.:rolleyes:
When I had my EP study, the doctor had me so full of drugs because he tried everything to get me to go into V-Tach, but my heart was being a brat. I had all kinds of palpitations, just not the "right" kind. (That's finally how he knew I didn't have the bad kind of V-Tach.) Anyway, at one point, I was awake, but soooo stoned that I remember thinking the nurses (there were four males attending to my study) were at a card table in the corner playing poker. I asked, "What are you guys doing over there? I'm having palpitations!" Guess I hallucinate while stoned too. Not a good mix. :D
Oh, yeah, and during my angio, I remember Dr. V pucturing my artery and I yelped, "OW!" The nurse closest to him said, "Looks like we need more local." I snapped, "Ya think?!" Then, later, I vaguely remember my cardio and the nurses talking about their horoscopes. One of the nurses asked Dr. V, "Are you a Virgo?" He said no, and I put my two cents in, "I am!" And then I didn't remember anything until my doctor was pressing on my groin and telling me he was surprised by how my valve looked during the test.
Oh so everyone has the crazy experiences with the cath's. Ok, Now I don't feel so alone. I had a terrible time with it, Not enough drugs. I was screaming in pain and the doctor kept telling me Relax, relax. So I told him, You get on this table and let me stick a 2 foot long tube up your groin and see if you like it. A few seconds later, they put me out. Afterwards, the doctor had the nerve to tell me I was acting like a child (I was 18). After a few choice words from me, He asked me not to come back to his hospital and that he would recommend someone in Canada??? for me, I guess that's how far away he wanted me. I walked away from there and never looked back. At least now I can chuckle about it but it was tough at the time.

Ok, About the intimacy thing. Did no one else get the book? LOL. I got a book with an animated cartoon type heart, saying it's important to hug and caress but to take it easy. It was hysterical, I gotta try to find it. ;)