Cardio Rehab

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2009
Houston, Texas (USA)
I would love to hear from those who have done the cardio rehab. I just spoke to my hospital today and will be taking a visit next week to check it all out. I am determined I will get to feeling good and I'm going to work like mad to get there. I like the whole team approach, especially the dietary and nutritionist part of it.

I would love to hear stories from those that did cardio rehab.
Cardio Rehab was the best thing I ever did for myself. My surgeon didn't think I was going to need it, because I was "young" and "healthy." I knew better than that, so I asked for a referral 4 weeks post-op. There was no way I was going to be able to get back to working two jobs without it. I needed to build up my stamina. It gives you the confidence to get back to everyday life and so much more. It helps to be monitored while you are doing it.

I didn't suffer from high cholesterol, but I still attending every dietary, nutrition class. I worked in dietary for awhile, so I picked up on how to eat well. I actually lost 30lbs the year before my surgery, just from eating well. I still met with the nutritionist. The bottom line is cario rehab is a great program and I highly recommend everyone does it. I tell that to all the patients I talk to that are going to have OHS.

I just had my first carsio rehab class today:). Main reason I signed up is so that I can get a good idea of how hard I should be working, while under the supervision of the experts at the class. Not only for my own piece of mind, but for that of my better half, who always thinks I am doing too much:D!
I am signed up for 1 month of 3 times per week for 1 hour. What is good is that they do warm up, stationary bicycles (upright and recumbent), treadmill, and some other machines, plus some resistance training with rubber bands and weights, plus cool down. They exercise bits that I would normally not exercise doing my mainly walking programme.
I may sign up for longer if I really see the benefits coming through - besides, it gives me a reason to get out of bed early at least three times a week:p!!
Even though I was a very active person and my ex-cardio thought I did not need it; I am very glad that I did as I found out I had PVCs, which I did not sense, and thus they made me increase my tolerance level gradually while PVCs were controlled.
I have been in Cardio rehab for almost two years. After my insurance stopped I just kept on going. It has been very affordable each month. It has helped me so much phys,emotional, great bunch of nurses there that answer any questions I have. I would recommend it for everyone, even if you think your physically fit.
It helps you recover faster and have more energy.
Have Fun!!! :)
Oh wonderful.....I am so glad I am going to give it a try. I just refuse to feel bad. I am only two weeks post op and know I have a long way to go, but I can't feel like this forever. Any small thing will help. I don't have cholesterol problems, but just was a well rounded and balanced program. They even said my hubby could work out with me even though he isn't a heart patient.....and it sure isn't going to hurt him.
I started rehab 2 weeks ago and I am so glad that I did. Pre-surgery, I was very active-went to the gym 4-5 times a week and did aerobics and spinning. I could not even think about doing those classes again for at least another 2 months! The rehab is helping me get back to the fitness level I was pre-surgery as well as helping me push myself to the next level. And the other "members" are great as well as the staff that monitors you! They only let you do what you can do and let you build-up your level when you are ready. I have such a good time even though I am the only female and about 10 years younger than the members.
I started rehab about 5-6 weeks after surgery and that felt right for me. I have an hour once a week, but the physio sent me home with a booklet demonstrating the stretches we do in class. We also do a walk and a short circuit (and they are very good at determining what you should and shouldn't be doing and at what intensity).

I haven't found the dietician, pharmacist, social worker... etc. quite as useful because their sessions are geared more toward people with acquired heart disease or stressful lifestyles, etc. but I guess I'm not a "typical" heart patient in that respect (I had so much fun telling the dietician my cardio had suggested an increase in my salt intake to help my low BP :D I really am a trouble maker!)

It's also been interesting being by far the youngest person in the class. There's been a few people mistake me for a volunteer until I've shown them my big zipper - at which point they're most surprised. It really is amusing :)

Anyhoo, I'm sure you'll find it very beneficial.

A : )
i love cardiac rehab and have only good things to say about the benefits. it's wonderful for your mental peace of mind and your physical state. it helps increase your range of motion and heal faster. i too was diagnosed with benign pvc's while there and no whenever i feel those funny heart flips as i go about my daily activities i don't worry that something is wrong. there is no nutritionist at my program but the nurses are very nice and everyone is very caring. also since I'm the youngest person in the program by about 15 years at least a lot of the other patients have tons of questions for me. I also noticed that not everyone is a valve surgery survivor but have had other heart issues.
I've signed up for 6 weeks starting next Wednesday. It's a 2 and a half hour session covering nutrition, practical hints and exercise. I'm looking forward to being able to exercise under medical supervision and get an idea of what is "right" for my body at the moment. You, I and Dyna will be able to compare notes :D
Cardiac rehab was a great start to all the healing processes necessary for recovery. Excellent choice to sign up. As someone who was quite active before surgery, it was invaluable to have the chance to test things out post-op in a controlled environment and start the path back to full activity. Have a great time and all the best with your continued healing.
although recovery is going quite well, i wish i had had the opportunity to
attend cardio rehab classes. i was only 'in-country' for two weeks after avr,
and there is no rehab here, cardio or otherwise, so i'm on my own.

most likely i would have attended one or two classes and been bored, or
thought it would do no good, but at least would have had the chance to
speak live with experts to ask how much is too much, or how soon is too soon.

but we have experts here on the forum to answer questions and give
advice, so all is not lost.
Thanks for all the posts. I can't wait to begin.

Today, I felt a little blue and am finding it a little hard because my family is back with their own lives and I'm feeling a little lonesome.

I look forward to the social part of it as well.
I've signed up for cardio rehab too. I start Tuesday, 1.5 hours/day, 2 times per week for 12 weeks. I'm excited to find out how much I can do. I had a treadmill test at the cardiologist office last week and they pushed me a lot harder than I do myself when I go for my daily walk.