Cardiac Rehab

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2011
Hanford, California
St Agnes called me today, to inform me, my surgeon approved Cardiac Rehab. I start June 7th, 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Wish it wasn't an hour drive away, but things are what they are.....and I will deal with it, to get my strength back.
I see my surgeon next Tuesday for a 6 week check-up. Will need to discuss, something I noticed, when I had my records sent to me. Seems my pre-op tests showed my Carotid artery is 50% plus narrowed/blocked. Kind of wondering why he never mentioned this to me. That may explain the pre-surgery episode I had, when I stopped with my daughter and son-in-law at a fruit stand. I was weak, confused, disorientated, had slurred speech for almost 30 minutes, I never blacked out, but had to be assisted into the car, as my body wouldn't work correctly. When I came round...I had no memory of those missing minutes. Now...I am wondering if I had a the signs and symptoms of that episode fit, with having experienced one.
Life is good......and we can amaze ourselves, with our own strength and resilience at times.
Still smiling and laughing

Go Team 2011 !!!!!
BAV dx 11/2011 AVR 4/14/11 with a Edwards "Magna" Bovine Tissue valve and a Triple Bypass.
Best of luck with the rehab. I had my orientation for rehab today and I start next Wednesday. I am very fortunate to have here where I live so it isn't a problem. Renee, you are absolutely is good... we will stay positive laugh.

Now in week 17 post-surgery, I have finished 9 rehab sessions of 36 and it is going well. The first day, however, was rather scary. My class meets in the hospital where both my parents were declared dead and I never expected to return there, but I signed up because the program is excellent. I was apprehensive when I walked into the room where the class members were wiring up, and my initial impression was that they looked like giant zombies out of the old B&W film 'The Night of the Living Dead.' On second glance, I pictured each of them with a long gauze bandage over their incision areas but on top of their clothes. After I calmed down I joined the class and everything was fine. So, Steve, I think I qualify to be in "the wildest rehab class yet"! Pat
I love cardiac rehab! I have been going since March, and the middle of June I am 'graduating' as my insurance company pays for 36 sessions. It has been great to see how much I have progressed in the time I have been in the classes, and it does give you a feeling of freedom to really push it, knowing that there are several people right there watching how you are doing. I am sorry that you have to drive an hour to get to it, but I do think it is very worth it.
Thank you all for your replies....glad to see it has been a positive experience for others. Steve....yes...I am sure our group's rehab will be wild, to say the least. If their are others in my class, who are jokers like me.....I will actually be more relaxed, than if I end up with too serious of people, with no sense of humor. Rehab, should be fun :) And absolutely Jason, I think the long drives will be well worth it. My goal is to be able to go hiking in Yosemite with a Hiking Club, when I have completed my 12 wks.
I loved my cardiac rehab! Strangely, one of the best times I've ever had -- we had a fun-loving group, nurses included, and it was a delightful way to work toward an exercise regimen.

Hope yours turns out to be fun and beneficial as well, Renee.