Can't walk........

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Hi all you good people out there , I need your help I have a new problem . I'ts seven weeks since my AVR Tissue .I'm doing fine recovering well starting to sleep better, walk very slowly for one or two miles almost every day when possible, doing very light exercises. back to my art better believe this I only paint butt's big ,small . Today I could not walk ten yards my leggs felt like lead short of breath and for the first time in my life I almost blacked out. Is there someone out there who had a similar experiance . If yes love to hear from you. I have made an appointment with the cardiologist for next week. My blood pressure is arround 128/ 75. pulse 55 to 76.


First off, call your doctor.

Second, you are only seven weeks out and I had shortness of breath that started about two weeks ago at six weeks out from my mitral valve repair. The shortness of breath has gotten better. My problem now is frequent PACs which are a nuisance.

Being only seven weeks out from surgery and it sounds like you are really active, from what others have said, there will be good days and bad days and listen to your body. If you feel tired, then rest and use your spirometer if you are short of breath, and rest some more.

I think this could be your body telling you to slow down, but again, call your doctor to be on the safe side.

Take it easy!!

Christina L.

Do not pass go, do not collect $100, do not wait for your cardiologist appointment next week. Call your doctor immediately. And if your doctor isn't available, go to the ER. To have such a significant change in such a short time is alarming and should not be taken lightly. Please get it checked out.

Agree w/ Melissa

Agree w/ Melissa

Joey - I agree w/ Melissa. You get good and bad days, but "almost blacking out" is outside the normal variance. Plse get it checked.

And sometime later when you feel better, let's see some of that art ;)


GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM, ASAP. And don't dawdle around. Hopefully, it's just retained fluid, but get it checked out right away. Blacking out isn't something you should be doing, especially with shortness of breath.

Let us know what happens.

Good luck, Joey.

Blacking out or feeling like you are going to is never normal. You have to get it checked right away. It could be several things. Maybe your potassium is too low or you are fluid overloaded or something else but it is not a normal feeling.

You are probably already in the New Year over there so I want to wish you a very Happy New Year.
ditto what the others said - TODAY - NOW . then tell us what your dr said. Some Shortness of breath is normal after this surgery, but such weakness as nearly passing out is NOT. so go already, you hear?
Hi Joey

Hi Joey

Sorry . you are having a problem..your b/p heart rate sounds good....but I think, maybe 2 miles a day is a little much..for just being 7 weeks out.:eek: Do you think, you may have over done the walking? but I'm with everyone else..go to the nearest ER..They will run you thru the mill:D and find the problem ASAP... Let us hear right back from you...Bonnie
Hi, I have been to see the GP blood pressure fine pulse fine The doctor cannot understand why nobody told me to take Slow-Fe iron pills for anemia it is important to take this medication after any opperation. My blood count is low. This could be the problem. The conclution is that I am not running out of breath , what infact is happening is my heart rate for no reason starts to race like all hell for a few moments forcing me to breath as if I have just run a few miles. He is disscusing the natter with my cardiologist ......lets see what can be done to alleviate this new problem.

Before I went to the doc this morning I had no problem walking one mile what so ever.
However an hour after the walk I was unable to walk 10 yards heart racing forcing me to breath heavily once again.

Joey - they didn't give me iron, either. After surgery, on my first visit to my local general practitioner, he passed me in his hallway, stopped and said 'you look anemic'. When I finally was in his office, he looked further, gave me iron, sent me to the hospital lab for testing and he was RIGHT! Why don't they tell us? We just don't know.
Atrial Fibrillation?

Atrial Fibrillation?

Joey -

What you describe could be episodes of atrial fibrillation (just a hunch from an unqualified message board troll).

Heart valve disease and/or surgery can definitely trigger this condition. Lots of info available on the web, here is one of many sites:

Please make sure you get this checked out w/ your cardio doc & treated appropriately.

Yep, sounds like Atrial Fibrilation (commonly referred to as A-Fib) to me. VERY common after heart surgery. There are several medications and treatments for this. If someone wants to START with Amiodarone, tell them NO WAY. That is the drug of LAST RESORT with many nasty and long lasting side effects. If your A-Fib comes and goes, less potent drugs should work just fine. I take a Low Dose Beta Blocker to control mine. The FEW times I got A-fib (3 days after surgery and then again about 5 to 6 weeks post op) it cleared on it's own in about 3 hours, with and WITHOUT treatment.



Why did you say amioderone is drug of last resort?
According to Dr Rich over in, (and Al, too) amiodarone should be used only as a last resort. This is a dangerous, strong drug. The half life is loooong. My brother suffers from permanent damage from this drug because he was left on it for 16 months. As Al says, there are many other drugs to use before getting to this one. So, Joey, tell 'em no........

It can cause eye and lung problems, too. With permanent damages.

A friend of the family was put on Amiodarone and not checked. She was on it for a few years. She now has permanent lung fibrosis which is very debilitating, and cataracts.