Can we be blood donors?

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I inquired about donating blood to Canadian Blood Services, and was told by a nurse on the phone that I was no longer eligible. I asked why, and she said anyone who has had heart surgery is disqualified. She said donating blood puts strain on the heart, and that was the reason. During my surgery I had 7 units of blood and would like to give back.
Anyone else ran into this?


I was just thinking this thought the other day! I received blood after my surgery too. Will be interested to hear what others experiences are.
I enjoyed giving blood for many years before surgery. I have had several discussions with the Red Cross people. They seem most concerned about the coumadin, and want me to be off coumadin for a few days before I donate, which, of course, I'm not going to do. Instead, I have been volunteering to help with the blood drives. Sometimes they say they are afraid I'll bleed to death, which is just plain silly. Other times, they don't want the coumadin in the donated blood. But they still let me volunteer.
If you are on coumadin the answer is no in the USA ... I don't see why you can't if you are not ... I too gave blood on a regular schedule but I was told no more ...
I doubt there's any strain to the heart by giving blood. I've done it enough! That's 1 pint out of 8 liters. no problem.

I'm ineligible b/c of the coumadin. If a patient needs blood to help them clot, they can't be getting anti-coagulated blood, and there's no way to code the various bags of blood for this drug or that drug. It's hard enough as it is.

I'd check not with a nurse, but on the local blood donor system website for a definitive answer as to their policies. I do know donors have to wait X months (6? 12?) after major surgery and after receiving blood, before being eligible to donate.