Caleb's surgery May 17 8 am

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2006
Today we went through Caleb's pre-op and we are going in tomorrow morning. Caleb's inner calm has escaped him and he is a very sad boy:( . I'm having a harder time with this, but I know that it is very important that I hold myself together. I really just want to have a really good cry! This morning I watched the sun come up and it was very peaceful and I look forward to seeing it tomorrow morning with Caleb.

During our pre-op we were actually given an option as to mechanical or tissue valves, which we thought we wouldn?t be given an option. The tissue valve would be wonderful, not having to be on any blood thinners, but the down side is that it could calcify in as little as one year. So we are going with a St Jude?s valve (22-23 ml), this is if the measurements are correct from the echo. We will know more tomorrow. A valve this size they figure will last about 10 years before he out grows it. So yes, he will be having more surgeries. Our hope is that at 15 he will be able to handle the stress of this better than at 5.:eek: .

So for now I'm going to go and enjoy my last night at home for possibly 3 weeks!

Oh goodness, Jamie, what a heavy load you are carrying! Everything will go beautifully for Caleb. You hang in there, Mom, and go ahead and steal a cry during his surgery--you don't have to be tough when he's not around. Big hugs to you!
Oh, Jamie (((hugs)))

Oh, Jamie (((hugs)))

My heart is in my throat with yours. Please know that I will be thinking of y'all tomorrow and praying tonight and throughout the morning. I just know Caleb will do well, but can't wait to read the thumb's up report that all went well. Hope I don't get a ticket on the way home from work to check. ;) And tell the surgeon in the morning to keep his mind open to possibly placing a larger valve if it is possible once he gets in there. He probably will anyway, but it wouldn't hurt to remind him. :eek: Katie got a 25mm (small adult size), but then she has that weird common AV valve, not just a standard mitral. Anyway, I'm rambling because I just don't have those magic words that will take all your worries away, but this will all be behind you soon. Love, hugs, and prayers, and I hope y'all set a record for quickest recovery and in range INR. J.
Sending all my best wishes for Caleb tomorrow. You are so brave. And, of course, so is he! Good luck, good luck!!

4:30 Am

4:30 Am

Here we go! Thanks for all of your support, I really will be looking forward to giving updates tonight or tomorrow.



I'm sure many prayers will be said today for Caleb....Please keep us posted. Bonnie
Sorry I missed you before you took off for the hospital. Caleb will be in our prayers and we look forward to your joyous post that all went well. Heart Moms should get a special medal! Godspeed.
Prayers for Caleb. My son had surgery as an infant and later in his 20's -- he knew he needed the surgery the second time when he could no longer function well. So don't worry about the future, easier said than done I know. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers during this time. Cindy
Caleb was in my prayers last night, as he has been since your first post. I will wait for news of his successful surgery, and I will continue to pray for an easy, uneventful recovery.
May God be with you all.
Caleb is in surgery

Caleb is in surgery

Caleb made it into surgery and so far we haven't heard anything. He was very upset that he couldn't eat, and when they gave him "cherry pop";) it was gross. I think that helped me out a lot. I was able to go to the OR and wait until he was sleeping before leaving. Also there was no pokes before he fell asleep!!!:)

We will post more later

Jamie - I'm praying praying praying right now for Caleb and you and your family.
Positives down the road

Positives down the road

I am sending very positive thoughts your way. I am just down the road in Shakopee so they should reach you quickly. I feel he is going to do better than everyone expects and will be smiling in 24 hours. Mom be strong and lose it later when this is done since it will be a total relief for you
All the best wishes in the world go with Caleb and your family today. He will definitely not be alone in that room.
I cannot even imagine what you must be going through so I will just say that we are here, we are praying and we know God will watch over you all.
Jamie. Thanks for the update. I will be checking your thread every few hours. Caleb is imbedded in my thoughts for the day. Wishing the little sweetheart an easy success. My thought are with you, too!

My prayers and good thoughts are winging your way as I type. Also have all fingers & toes crossed. I wish you peace as you continue your vigil.
Progress report

Progress report

Caleb is on by-pass as of 12:45 and the replacement is now begining. So now we only wait. It is very warm out so we have gone for a few walks but never to far away from the hospital and never without a way to be contacted. Asha and the boys are with their Auntie Laura and being taken care of very well. I miss them very very much.

It did take a while to get into Caleb's chest. The first incision was at 9:25 and heart lung by-pass at 12:45.

For now that is all!

We're with you in prayer Jamie. Thanks so much for taking the time to keep us posted.


Well, we are still on by-pass. The lasted time that I have heard was two more hours until closing, and than who knows how long closing will be or if he will come out closed. That is a possibility, not being closed. The nurse that has been with Caleb all day is now going home and he was nice enough to stop and give me a personal update (not phoned in). Dr. Foker had attempted a repair and it was not going to last, so they had to put him back on by-pass and do the replacement. They also still have to do the membrane removal.

Caleb is holding up very well stats are staying stable, and not to much bleeding. Please keep the prayers coming, Caleb will be on by-pass for a very long time and that can lead to the failure of the organs.

Mom and Dad, Grandmas and Grandpas are all holding up as well as can be expected!

That's all for now folks!
