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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2002
Hi Folks

I drink a lot of coffee with no apparent adverse effect on my heart. I'm curious to know doctor's recommendations, consumption habits & experience of others, e.g., triggering of a-fib, etc.
I had a mitral valve repair and other than the usual "everything in moderation" advice, my Cardio says coffee is fine. I drink regular, black, coffee....particularly like Tim Horton's coffee (and donuts). I sometimes find that strong Starbuck's stuff sends my heart racing. Not a-fib or anything like that....just a boost that seems to make it pump faster. Could just be my imagination, too, 'cus that stuff tastes so strong. :rolleyes:
Caffeine is a drug and not good for you. I have been advised by my cardio to eliminate caffein. PERIOD. Besides this, the dark color along with the caffeine hinders your body's ability to hydrate. Bassically, caffeine laced drinks promote dehydration to a certain extent.
I have been free of it for over three years. In the am, I drink a "true" caffeine free coffee. Fresh ground beans.
I had some PVC issues post op adn the elimination of the caffeine has helped end the palpitations.

I drink between one and two cups per day, and it does not trigger any type of arrhthmia. I was even told when I left the hospital that one or two cups a day is O.K.
I still drink two cups of coffee every morning, and last night I had two cups when we went out to dinner.
I was careful to limit it the first few weeks after surgery, but I haven't worried about it since.
I have read that caffeine in coffee is now considered to be beneficial, so I am a happy camper!:)
I have given up a lot of things in the interest of good health??.caffeine ain?t gonna be one of them. Love my coffee, love my tea and love my Diet Mountain Dew.:p :p :p
There have been many studies saying (1) coffee is good for you, (2) coffee is bad for you, (3) coffee may be good for you, (4) coffee may be bad for you.

I always drink my coffee while reading of these studies in the morning paper. I cannot function without coffee.
I'm not a coffee drinker - but I'm a tea drinker. I stopped drinking caffeinated drinks 25 years ago due to fibrocystic breast disease. (I had a horrible headache for 2 weeks after stopping my morning pot of dark tea!!!!!:eek: ) Because of all the arrhythmia trouble I had prior to surgery, and being on Toprol to slow my heart rate - I still stay away from caffeine. I still drink a pot of tea a day - it just made with Rooibos tea.
rooibos tea

rooibos tea

Karlynn said:
I'm not a coffee drinker - but I'm a tea drinker. I stopped drinking caffeinated drinks 25 years ago due to fibrocystic breast disease. (I had a horrible headache for 2 weeks after stopping my morning pot of dark tea!!!!!:eek: ) Because of all the arrhythmia trouble I had prior to surgery, and being on Toprol to slow my heart rate - I still stay away from caffeine. I still drink a pot of tea a day - it just made with Rooibos tea.

wow, I was just wondering about Rooibos tea! My student gave me a box recently, and I've heard that's what they drink in South Africa to help combat hay fever! It's completely caffeine free and healthy. I was concerned that it might have an effect on INR but I guess it doesn't, right?
wes said:
wow, I was just wondering about Rooibos tea! My student gave me a box recently, and I've heard that's what they drink in South Africa to help combat hay fever! It's completely caffeine free and healthy. I was concerned that it might have an effect on INR but I guess it doesn't, right?
Apparently not. I can't find anything against it.
wes said:
wow, I was just wondering about Rooibos tea! My student gave me a box recently, and I've heard that's what they drink in South Africa to help combat hay fever! It's completely caffeine free and healthy. I was concerned that it might have an effect on INR but I guess it doesn't, right?

I never found anything about it affecting INR and I've never noticed that it does with me. I go in spurts of drinking a lot of it and then none at all for a few weeks. With the weather turning cold, I'm in the "lots" phase. I get it in many different flavors. Bourbon Vanilla is my favorite!

They also put it in colic-ie babies' bottles in South Africa because it's supposed to sooth the stomach.

It's pronounced ROY-bus and it's also called Red Bush tea.

I go up and down with my caffeine consumption, sometimes it really effects me and sometimes it doesnt. usually it effects me most when I am stressed. lately this has been the case, and I have to start cutting down for a while till things cool down because I have been having more rhythm issues and stuff. My cardio and regular doc have told me to "watch my caffeine intake, and not drink too much", but havent given me set limits yet. I generally drink a 16 oz cup in the morning, and on late class days a 16 oz cup around supper time (5 ish)

hope this helps

Morgan, 20
Dick was told to stay away from caffeine after having one day of arrhythmia post op and we have been drinking decaf ever since- not sure if it's necessary, but it's become a habit.
Got to have my coffee!

Got to have my coffee!

Ok, I admit that I have not completely given up on coffee, but the regular stuff sets me into A-fib. That ain't a good thing, feels like it beats me to death from the inside out!

But, as a midnight shift emergency police dispatcher, I have to be at the top of my game. I mix my coffee 1/3 regular, 2/3 decaf. I usually go thru a pot a night. Gotta take my aToprol XL on time, or will have trouble anyway.
I stopped drinking caffeine for a long time to avoid a-fib. Then I went into constant a-fib anyway. So I have a couple of glasses of soda or a cup of coffee each day. Hasn't made anything worse and it helps to keep my migraines at bay so what the hey. Besides - I like the extra zip.
I have 1 cup of coffee every morning...Not being graphic..:p but to go to morning bathroom.....:D ...........Hubby drinks it all day..3 in morning..out another cuppa and even drinks 2 at night after dinner..Sleeps like a baby..:confused: ....No b/p problems, ect.....:confused: ..Been doing this for the 42 years I have been married to him..:) Bonnie
Everyone's different. I can drink two cups of coffee and go right to sleep a ten minutes or an hour later. I know folks who can't drink coffee after noon, if they want to sleep later.

There have been an incredible number of studies that were intrended to show that caffeine is a health hazard, but other than people with special circumstances (some types of heart issues), no one's ever been able to show any ill effects.

Caffeine is a mild dieuretic, but if you drink a cup of coffee or soda, you still gain much more water than you lose. Consider: if caffeine worked that well, why is there Lasix?

Moderation or even abstention from coffee, especially for us, is probably a wise thing to consider. However, if it's not causing palpitations, arrhythmias, or aggravating your acid reflux, it's not harmful.

Best wishes,
I love coffee

I love coffee

I simply adore coffee, always have. I eliminated coffee for about 4 months post op then gradually let it slip back into my routine. After going back to work I started back up visiting Starbucks every morning for a grande. When I was at the Cardio for a visit recently and the issue of arrhythmia and caffeine came up. My husband says the Dr. literally went pale when I confessed to my morning Grande from Starbucks.

So, now I'm down to half caf's and working toward decaf. Uggg.

I typically have a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee most mornings. I actually drank a Jolt Cola yesterday :eek:

I have to admit that I am going against my cardiologists wishes by drinking too much caffeine. But I have noted no adverse effects, except not being able to sleep too well last night.

After reading this thread, I realize that I tend to forget that caffeine really is a drug that would be best moderated. I think that I will stay away from the Jolt Cola.
