caffeine effects

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
have been doing quite well since avr, nothing negative to report after
7 weeks, only tonight noticed a "stronger-feeling" heartbeat. bp monitor
showed higher bp and heart rate. stethoscope tells me i had a slightly
irregular heartbeat, first that i've had (that i know of) since avr.

i'm pretty sure it's caused by caffeine - two pots today, plus a couple cups
of instant blasphemy. maybe also i'm short on sleep (don't need anywhere
near what i used to), or the really spicy curry for dinner. the symptoms
went away after a couple hours, must have eliminated the offending

i have an INR-PT test in the morning, if symptoms return i can try to
ask the doctor.

so the interwebs tell me caffeine has these effects, among others:

elevated blood pressure
associate with heart beat irregularities
increases serum cholesterol levels
increases blood vessel stiffness, negatively affect stiffness in the aorta
as well as aortic pressure
elevates stress hormones
can also cause ectopics (extra beats)
Most of us with arrhythmias or high BP have found the following culprits to avoid:
dark chocolate and/or milk chocolate
salty or spicy foods
pop/soda drinks
energy drinks
need I mention group sex?
Yes caffeine has that effect. This also happens to regular people (those without heart issues) especially with all the energy drinks on the market. I have had to resort to decaf & limit my coffees to usually two. Decaffeinated coffee also has caffeine, but not as much. Two pots of coffee is way to much, but wean yourself off of that amount slowly or you risk getting severe headaches. Best of luck to you.
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I drank a pot of 50% decaff and 50% regular every morning.
Taste much better than the pure decaff stuff.

Several diet cokes (with caffeine) every day.

Love chocolates, eat too much, they seem to make me gain weight. :D

Eat normal amount of salt, in other words I eat what I want as far as salt.

Blood pressure around 120/65 to 130/70. Take a water pill to help control blood pressure.

Cholesterol is excellent.

But I do fast walk 3 miles a day and it's time to walk right now.
Since you're newly post-surgical (less than a year) I think the stimulant effect of caffeine would be pronounced for you.
Yes caffeine has that effect. This also happens to regular people (those without heart issues) especially with all the energy drinks on the market. I have had to resort to decaf & limit my coffees to usually two. Decaffeinated coffee also has caffeine, but not as much. Two pots of coffee is way to much, but wean yourself off of that amount slowly or you risk getting severe headaches. Best of luck to you.

2 pots is too much? :confused:
As one of the "non compliant" I guzzle caffeine all day ... coffee, tea, diet Mountain Dew .... I have no ill effects from it .... but some say it has changed my appearance:confused:
woah, 2 pots of coffee would knock me over (after I finished bouncing off the walls) yeah, alot of the things you describe can trigger irregular heart beats, extra beats, skipped beats, etc, try cutting down on the caffeine, and get a little extra sleep, maybe skip the curry, and see if that helps, I know just being over tired can wreak havoc on me, let alone tanking up on the coffee, but in the mean time I'd talk to your doc, its probably no big deal, but still, its worth a mention

hope this helps
For irregular hearbeats responds well to magnesium. I take 500 milligrams twice a day. It is probably more than I need.

Irregular hearbeats is fairly common with many people. Usually they are not serious.
pretty much cleared up last night; bp and heart rate back to normal.
i'll cut down the coffee a bit, and lower the amount of espresso in the mix.

Why don't you switch to green tea? You live in the land of tea!

green tea? no way! it's loaded with vitamin K, and will screw up your INR.

"Blood Thinning Medications (Including Aspirin) -- People who take warfarin, a blood thinning medication, should not drink green tea. Since green tea contains vitamin K, it can make warfarin ineffective. Meanwhile, you should not mix green tea and aspirin because they both prevent platelets from clotting. Using the two together may increase your risk of bleeding."

"Beta-blockers, Propranolol, and Metoprolol -- Caffeine (including caffeine from green tea) may increase blood pressure in people taking propranolol and metoprolol (medications used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease)."
pretty much cleared up last night; bp and heart rate back to normal.
i'll cut down the coffee a bit, and lower the amount of espresso in the mix.

green tea? no way! it's loaded with vitamin K, and will screw up your INR.

"Blood Thinning Medications (Including Aspirin) -- People who take warfarin, a blood thinning medication, should not drink green tea. Since green tea contains vitamin K, it can make warfarin ineffective. Meanwhile, you should not mix green tea and aspirin because they both prevent platelets from clotting. Using the two together may increase your risk of bleeding."

"Beta-blockers, Propranolol, and Metoprolol -- Caffeine (including caffeine from green tea) may increase blood pressure in people taking propranolol and metoprolol (medications used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease)."

While your correct about the Green tea and Vit K, it can be adjusted for, but in your case, it's not worth the hassle. If you were going to be on it for life, then I'd say drink what you want and adjust for it, but you won't be, so no sense in making it harder at this point.

"blood thinning"=Blasphemy. It's Anticoagulants. ;)
I atually do drink green tea on occasion and it has never bothered my INR, but I don't drink it as much as I used to b/c of the vit K issue. It does have caffeine, unless you buy decaf, but the caffeinated kinds don't have the same amount of caffeine as coffee. I used to think I could not live without coffee.. then started having heart issues and quit cold turkey. Ever since I only drink decaf, which I now cannot live without instead, but that is more of a mental thing I think, and it probaby does have a tiny amount of caffeine in it.
I drink Green tea a lot and it hasn't done anything to mine either, but then I have my dose adjusted for larger amounts of Vit K then the norm too.
2 pots is too much? :confused:

Ha Ha Ross - you sound just like me! I drink coffee everyday and just deal with the rapid heartrate. It does not raise my blood pressure or at not a noticeable amount since I have such low BP anyway! Not into green tea at all!

Hope you are feeling better Chou!
I have been drinking cappuccino (the powdered kind from WalMart) for a long time but last week started again on the regular coffee. my heart rate has gone up and mayhap that's the reason. Thanks for the reminder, Chou. Am back to the other kind now.