C-reactive protein, inflammatory

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2007
Ben Lomond, CA
I just had a blood test today because I've had lower back pain and a fever for a few days. One of the tests was C-reactive protein, inflammatory and my value was 21.3 which the doctor said was high.
Does anyone have any info about this?
CRP (C-reative protein) is a measure of inflammation in the body. It is non-specific, meaning that it does not indicate the cause or the location. There is some thought by the medical community that individuals with high CRP without any an obvious infection(you apparently had some sort of unidentified infection by virtue of you fever), may have a higher incidence of coronary artery disease which may lead to heart attacks. This may explain the fairly high rate of individuals that present with heart attacks with minimal risk factors such as high cholesterol, smoking ect. Cholesterol medication such as Crestor reduce the CRP levels and looks to be benefical with reducing the rate of MI or heart attacks. My suggestion is to recheck you CRP after resolution of your apparent infection, then if still elevated, to consider your options of whether to start lipid lowering medications after a good amount of research.
It isn't just infection that raises CRP levels: it's any kind of inflammation.

Your high C-Reactive Protein levels could be resultant from your back pain issues, as there's likely to be muscle or nerve inflammation associated with it.

This is why it's important to determine cause for CRP levels, if possible, before applying statins to lower it, as you could be hiding symptoms of something else.

Best wishes,
CRP, as Tobagotwo has indicated, is a measure of nonspecific inflammation. There's a supplement, manufactured by New Chapter, that can be helpful (Zyflamend) if they can't determine exactly where the inflammation is coming from. It's composed of some fairly standard herbs (rosemary, ginger, tumeric, holy basil, green tea) that seem to work when you can't take lots of NSAIDS and stuff for pain. But I took it with the blessing of my DO, and only while we were waiting for the inevitable valve surgery. If tests can locate the source (sometimes it's as simple as a dental problem) you can do something about it fairly easily. Back-related inflammation seems like a good suspect in your case, so that should certainly be pursued as the cause (especially with related fever).
? Polymyalgia rheumatica

? Polymyalgia rheumatica

About two years ago I developed diffuse muscle pain and weakness. My CRP was off the charts. Diagnosis quickly made by my PCP -POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA! The old country doctors used to call this "muscular rheumatism". I was placed on 10 mgm prednisone daily. Within hours of my first dose the symptoms were miraculously relieved. This also confirms the diagnosis, ruling out fibromyalgia and some other conditions you don't want. After being on prednisone about a year they had me taper off. Well symptoms gradually came back. So I am back on 10 mgm daily. Next May they will again taper me off and hope there is no recurrence. They say it sometimes takes 2-3 years to get over PMR. They definitely don't like you to stay on prednisone too long. Oh, my last CRP was 9 down from > 100 but still a little high.