Bystolic (nebivolol) 5 mg

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This was prescribed to me for heart palpitations. Anyone know anything about this drug?
Sorry no one has answered your post. Have you tried googling for info?

If anyone is taking this also I am sure you will hear from them soon.

I take 10 mg daily. It's a beta blocker from Forest Labs, and for some people (like me), it has fewer side effects than some of the other beta blockers. That's dependent on your personal chemistry, though.

Do you have a specific question about it?

Best wishes,
Just wondering why it was prescribed for arrythmia when one of the side effects listed is irregular heartbeats.
A lot of cardiac drugs can actually cause rhythm issues. I was prescribed beta blockers for my pac's and they made them worse. A lot of the anti-arrhythmics can cause very dangerous rhythms so many of them are started in the hospital for just this reason.
This one is a beta blocker, but not a particularly strong antiarrhythmic. It wouldn't need a hospital startup. If it helps, great. If not, or it causes problems, you can switch or go off easily, as long as your doctor's aware.

Beta blockers sometimes do help arrhythmias, as well as rapid heartbeat after surgery. Sounds like your doctor's trying not to overmedicate you. I like that premise. So many want to hammer you with amiodorone or some other blockbuster with lots of side effects. I believe 5mg is the minimum dosage.

As far as the warning that it can cause arrhythmias, that is common to many blood pressure medications. It much more often helps than causes any worsening, but the FDA is enuring that you know anything negative that has been associated with prescription drugs you buy.

Best wishes.
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that this was an anti-arrhythmic, but was just stating that anti-arrhythmics in general can cause other rhythm problems.
Didn't take it that way, Kfay. Sometimes I am extra careful to restate things in case someone else who's reading might be unclear about what I meant.

And I agree about antiarrythmics. Anything that is strong enough to help, is strong enough to hurt as well. That's why it can take so long to find BP drugs that work for us, and why the stuff that works so great for our friends doesn't impress us nearly as much as it did them.

Best wishes,
I take 20 mg daily. I like it SO much more than any other beta blocker I've been on... and I've been on quite a few in search of a more perfect one. I can assure you that my palpitations have reduced as a result of beta blocker therapy. In my experience, there was no difference in the amount of palpitation reduction between Tenormin and Bystolic, or maybe slightly more reduction from bystolic.

However, there are some people where beta blocker therapy may not be good for them. It's not super common though.

There are benefits to bystolic in particular that you may not know about. The most important benefit is probably that it's (i think) the most cardioselective available.. meaning it is less likely to exacerbate breathing problems or side effects that men have trouble with. Its half life is longer than many beta blockers, especially the older ones like Tenormin or Metoprolol, so it's possible that people are better able to tolerate taking only one dose a day instead of twice, three or four times daily like some. It doesn't "wear off" as quick.

There's some cool stuff I've read about it "potentiating" nitric oxide... which at a glance, to me, seems helpful with cardiac related issues.

Nebivolol is unique as a beta-blocker.[6] Like carvedilol, it has a nitric oxide (NO)-potentiating, vasodilatory effect.[7][8] Along with labetalol and carvedilol, it is one of three beta blockers to cause dilation of blood vessels in addition to effects on the heart.[8]

My only complaint so far is the occasional headache that is said to actually be a result of the extra nitric oxide. If I wanted to be real picky, I would say it still makes me a little tired... but probably not as much as tenormin or the other BB's I've tried.

Check out the wiki entry for some detailed reading:
Friend -

FYI, there are several On-Line Drug information sites.

You can find them by doing a Google Search (Prescription Drug info, etc.) or just searching for the Drug Name in question and you will usually get links to several of those sites.

Or, ask your Pharmacist. They can also give you their own information sheet or the original sheet that comes from the manufacturer.

'AL Capshaw'
I went to my cardio yesterday (7 weeks out of surgery) I had afib prior and was on amiodorone. He took me off that and started me on Bystolic.I took my first pill last night (5mg.) I was on coreg for 18 months prior to surgery and was tired all the time.This seems better right off.I was alittle tired when I woke up. But, hopefully that will ease intime.I may only be on it 5 weeks as that was the amount of samples he gave me - will have an echo then.If it makes me alittle tired it is one dose a day and I can take it at night.Whereas the coreg was 2x per and could not get away from being tired.
I went to my cardio yesterday (7 weeks out of surgery) I had afib prior and was on amiodorone. He took me off that and started me on Bystolic.I took my first pill last night (5mg.) I was on coreg for 18 months prior to surgery and was tired all the time.This seems better right off.I was alittle tired when I woke up. But, hopefully that will ease intime.I may only be on it 5 weeks as that was the amount of samples he gave me - will have an echo then.If it makes me alittle tired it is one dose a day and I can take it at night.Whereas the coreg was 2x per and could not get away from being tired.

Just out of curiosity, did you ask the doc to put you on it or did he recommend on his own?

Seems like more docs are going for the newer beta blockers lately.
Duff Man
I had never heard of it untill yesterday.He knew how much I hated coreg and said he wanted to take this instead And gave me 5 weeks of samples.I could never get used to the coreg.Always tired.
So far it's been my "wonder beta blocker" as I'm on 5mg as part of a mixed cocktail with 10mg of Lisinopril to lower my BP. I had been on a variety of different beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and ace inhibitors to try and get my stubborn post-op BP down from 140/90ish. After three years of trying and failing, this little pill seemed to do the trick. I now clock in on average at 115/70!

I had my last cardio visit last month and he applied the cuff three times just to be sure! He was as excited as I was.

Very little side effects and I actually sleep better. The Toprol XL caused anxiety, restlessness and insomnia. My heart was fine, but the drugs were killing me! :p