By now, I'm sure you've heard of Jesse Davis

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No simple answers

No simple answers

twinmaker said:
Some men want to have the fun of making a baby but can't or won't handle the reponsiblility of actually raising and loving their own child. Kind of selfish, huh? I'm sure a psychologist would chide me for my simplistic viewpoint here, but this is just so horrible and senseless. Why didn't he just walk out of her life? Of course, I know the answer to that also. He would still have to pay child support. LINDA
It seems to me it is wrong to make broad judgments on these cases just like it would be wrong to judge mothers by what Susan Smith did to her children, the women from Houston who drown her 5 children in a bath tub, the woman who paid her lover to shoot her husband along the Ohio turnpike or last year when a mother through her newborn in a ditch and left it die to near Findlay. Watch the movie ?Karla? sometime.

However, if you really want to get in to it, consider this:
Many more young men go missing every year than women and are never seen again. Many more women of color go missing every year than white. Why is it when a young beautiful white girl goes missing, they make a national case out of it? Holloway, Levy ring a bell.
RCB...I agree with you concerning the young, white, beautiful women getting the national attention, hence, my statement of "who knows how many others". I can also agree with you concerning your other statements. I don't usually make blanket statements concerning anything, but even though many more men may go missing, I doubt that it's because their wife or girlfriend "did them in". When a pregnant woman is killed or injured, I think it's a safe bet that it's their "significant other" that is guilty. I agree with you that there are many mothers that kill their children, but I don't think it's as numerous as what happens to a lot of pregnant women.
Just a side note. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, in the U.S., "the number one cause of death for pregnant women is murder by their unborn's father".
This Is Just Horrible!!!

This Is Just Horrible!!!

What In The Wide World Is Wrong With People Today.....I guess we can only pray for the family of the victim and really pray that the appropriate justice is served to the person who did this.....How incredibly sad....Harrybaby:mad: :eek: :(
Another crime stat.

Another crime stat.

When ever a person is murdered, the spouse or lover is always the most likely
suspect. It doesn't make a difference whether it is male or female that is the victim, pregnant or otherwise. I wonder if the Harvard School of Health ever did a study to see if a minister is shot in the back in his own bed, who is the most likely to have done that? Better yet when has the Harvard ever done a study that was critical of females? Was it that landmark study of how female teachers that sexual abuse their male students serve the same time as males who abuse females or that earth shattering research that showed how the education system is slanted in favor of males and that is why more males graduate from college than females. Bet you won't see that from the likes of Harvard who practically "tar and feathered" Christina Hoff Summer's book "The War on Boys", because she cited statistics that show that males are in much greater danger than females in today?s society.
Or maybe you could find a more critical report on females from U. Mich. where a tenured professor in Woman Studies wrote a book where she proclaimed men commit rape every time they have sex with women. Gee, I wonder if that would be a bed time mood breaker if you spotted that book on the nightstand?:confused: :rolleyes:

Spouse on spouse violence is always bad, but we don't need to cloud the issue by male bashing. Last time I looked we all had fathers, brothers and male friends who we loved and respected. I also suppose that there are a few mothers, sisters and female friends who we all would despise.

A female throws her new born in the ditch to die and that crime doesn't make national TV vs. a male who kills his lover and it is wall to wall coverage- everyone reading this can decide for themselves where the bias in the media is or at Harvard.

Holloway = months and months of big time national coverage ? some young man goes missing = 0. Twinmaker, maybe you can find out the number of missing young men and the number of pregnant women killed by their lovers. I?m betting there are more missing men than pregnant women murdered by their lovers.

Place your bets folks.:)
rachel_howell said:
This is just so hard to understand. How can a man kill the pregnant mother of his two year-old son and his unborn daughter? With most crimes, you can put yourself in the perpetrator's place to some degree. There is just no way to "get" this.

IT also bothers me (even more in a way), that this "father' could just leave his poor little 2 year old son home alone for days to fend for himself. I'm sure HE thinks he was "kind" since he didn't kill him since obviously he is a witness. But what a scarey time for this poor little boy, seeing what he did and then walking around the house in a dirty diaper w/ noone feeding him for at least a day 1/2, What kind of monster could do something like that to his own baby son? I know in the penaly , it won't make a big defference, but I hope he gets charged w/ endangerring a child, neglect ect, The whole thing is just awful
The saddest part of this story is the unborn child and the 2 year-old left alone and frightened. I know this will start some controversary but we do not know what happened at that house that day or prior to that day between Jesse and Bobbie. For all we know, Jesse could have been a bit crazy (like what happens sometimes so late in pregnancy) and attacked Bobbie. Yes, I know all the "he is bigger than she" and the other arguements but we just do not know what happened and, of course, no one is talking.

I do not feel there is ever an excuse for murder but I recall recently a woman who got very little jail time for killing her husband because of abuse. There can be abuse towards the husband by the wife (pregnant or not) as well. People can just snap and lose control. I think the implication here is that Bobbie is some kind of a monster who planned this but some of the family comments do not back this up.

My strongest prayers are with that little boy.
I have my own theory of what went on, but it's only speculation, and that is all any of us are going to have until the facts come forth in court.
Linda, I saw that study too. Just heard a retired police chief quote it while being interviewed. And Gina is right - he said there are many reasons that is the case, not all having to do with the man just wanting to get rid of his obligations.

I don't think it's so much that there aren't studies out that paint either sex in a bad light, I think the media gets to decide what we read and hear more about. Same with politics, war, poverty, etc. Darfur isn't a very interesting topic for our media for some reason, but the genocide there is horrible. I'm not trying to spark a political debate (and don't try to guess where my opinion lies - because you'd probably be wrong.;) ) Just because a topic reaches the ABC, NBC, or CBS nightly news headline, or makes first page on the NY Times or Washington Post, doesn't mean we're getting the full story, or even the biggest or most socially important story of the day. We're getting what story (and what version of it) that they believe will sell papers. Where did the NY Times post their first story of a group of terrorists planning on blowing up JFK Airport - not page one like every other newspaper - but page 37! Their excuse - it just didn't seem like a big story to them. I know I sound jaded, but I really don't think we can rely on our news organizations to just report the facts anymore. I think the news is becoming more and more editorial opinion. I think we really have to do our own research and then filter it through our own thoughts of what we logically know to be true. What did we all think about the young men charged in the Duke case when we first heard of it. Granted, the prosecutor did some highly illegal things, but when it first broke, the news organizations didn't help our opinions of them either.
Many people want to know why this got so much attention. Truth of the matter is, I don't know. I think our community is sick of seeing things like this happen and felt compelled to do something. Add to that, a pregnant mother missing, a Canton police officer being the unborn childs father and father to her living son while being married with other children etc. The list could go on and on. I think the other is that Texas Equusearch showed up and that got the medias attention in a hurry. I guess it's a variety of factors that brought this to the light that it was put into.
It is scary

It is scary

Lynlw said:
IT also bothers me (even more in a way), that this "father' could just leave his poor little 2 year old son home alone for days to fend for himself. I'm sure HE thinks he was "kind" since he didn't kill him since obviously he is a witness. But what a scarey time for this poor little boy, seeing what he did and then walking around the house in a dirty diaper w/ noone feeding him for at least a day 1/2, What kind of monster could do something like that to his own baby son? I know in the penaly , it won't make a big defference, but I hope he gets charged w/ endangerring a child, neglect ect, The whole thing is just awful
I was troubled fine out that the most likely person to do harm to a child is its parents. Even more shocking is that a Parent murdering a child usually gets a much lighter sentence than a stranger.:( Moral of the story: if your going to murder children-make sure they are your own, because the court system seems to think it is less of a crime.:mad: Go figure that!:eek: :confused:
Ross said:
My peeve right now is, why is this guy even a police officer? When I went through Law Enforcement training, we were to be held as absolute role models in the publics eye. If this guy is a role model, then I must be missing something. Sure a person is entitled to a private life, but for crying out loud, not something like being a swinger when your a public servant.

Law Enforcement Code of Conduct

Higher Standard of Conduct: The Ohio Supreme Court has held that Law Enforcement Officers are held to a Higher Standard of Conduct and may be terminated for conduct that may not otherwise be serious in another office setting.

Primary Responsibilities of a Police Officer: A police officer acts as an official representative of government who is required and trusted to work within the law. The officer's powers and duties are conferred by statute. The fundamental duties of a police officer include serving the community, safeguarding lives and property, protecting the innocent, keeping the peace and ensuring the rights of all to liberty, equality and justice.

Performance of the Duties of a Police Officer: A police officer shall perform all duties impartially, without favor or affection or ill will and without regard to status, sex, race, religion, political belief or aspirations. All citizens will be treated equally with courtesy, consideration and dignity. Officers will never allow personal feelings, animosities or friendships to influence official conduct. Laws will be enforced appropriately and courteously and, in carrying out their responsibilities, officers will strive to obtain maximum cooperation from the public. They will conduct themselves in appearance and deportment in such a manner as to inspire confidence and respect for the position of public trust they hold.

Discretion: A police officer will use responsibly the discretion vested in his position and exercise it within the law. The principle of the reasonableness will guide the officer's determinations, and the officer will consider all surrounding circumstances in determining whether any legal action shall be taken. Consistent and wise use of discretion, based on professional policing competence, will do much to preserve good relationships and retain the confidence of the public. There can be difficulty in choosing between conflicting courses of action. It is important to remember that a timely word of advice rather than arrest - which may be correct in appropriate circumstances - can be a more effective means of achieving a desired end.

Use of Force: A police officer will never employ unnecessary force or violence and will use only such force in the discharge of duty as is reasonable in all circumstances. The use of force should be used only with the greatest restraint and only after discussion, negotiation and persuasion have been found to be inappropriate or ineffective. While the use of force is occasionally unavoidable, every police officer will refrain from unnecessary infliction of pain or suffering and will never engage in cruel, degrading or inhumane treatment of any person.

Confidentiality: Whatever a police officer sees, hears or learns of that is of a confidential nature will be kept secret unless the performance of duty or legal provision requires otherwise. Members of the public have a right to security and privacy, and information obtained about them must not be improperly divulged.

Integrity: A police officer will not engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will an officer condone such acts by other police officers. The public demands that the integrity of police officers be above reproach. Police officers must, therefore, avoid any conduct that might compromise integrity and thus undercut the public confidence in law enforcement agency. Officers will refuse to accept any gifts, presents, subscriptions, favors, gratuities or promises that could be interpreted as seeking to cause the officer to refrain from performing official responsibilities honestly and within the law. Police officers must not receive private or special advantage from their official status. Respect from the public cannot be bought; it can only be earned and cultivated.

Cooperation with Other Police Officers and Agencies: Police officers will cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice. An officer or agency may be one among many organizations that may provide law enforcement services to a jurisdiction. It is imperative that a police officer assist colleagues fully and completely with respect and consideration at all times.

Personal-Professional Capabilities: Police officers will be responsible for their own standard of professional performance and will take every reasonable opportunity to enhance and improve their level of knowledge and competence. Through study and experience, a police officer can acquire the high level of knowledge and competence that is essential for the efficient and effective performance of duty. The acquisition of knowledge is a never-ending process of personal and professional development that should be pursued constantly.

Private Life: Police officers will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to their agencies or themselves. A police officer's character and conduct while off duty must always be exemplary, thus maintaining a position of respect in the community in which he or she lives and serves. The officer's personal behavior must be beyond reproach.
RCB, I'm not disagreeing with anything you've said. The media chooses which stories they will follow based first on how much the story will affect their ratings. It's not right, but true. I can certainly tell you that I'm not a "male basher". I realize that there are women that do the same things as men. For each story that I've seen or read about, I try not to rush to judgement. If I appear to have done that with this case, I'm sorry. Mr. Cutts is certainly innocent until proven guilty. Of course, he seems to have led them to the body so he must know something about what happened even though a few days ago, he was interviewed and said he didn't know a thing about her disappearence. I don't know what went on between him and this pregnant woman. I guess I just grew up in a time when you were taught that men don't lay a hand on a woman. Period. Again, I will state that women are just as guilty as men if they commit murder or abuse. But I still have to hold fast to my belief that more men than women commit murder or abuse. LINDA
RCB, I'm really a nice person. I don't usually get this worked up over things, but I guess I'm just kind of tired of all this senseless killing no matter who's doing it. It's just such a waste of life. All of us here on this site have gone to extreme measures to repair and replace our diseased heart valves, and you just wish all people held the same view about how precious life is. P.S. You can send the money to your favorite charity!;) LINDA
twinmaker said:
RCB, I'm really a nice person. You can send the money to your favorite charity!;) LINDA
I don't doubt for a minute that you are a nice person!:)

My wife thanks you for my recent contribution to her.:D
My prayers go out to Jessie/.her family...........and the hundreds of other families..who lose a love one in any given day in America..from gun violence, ect....Especially in the larger cities in America. We get the local Atlanta T.V. news..Never a day goes by..that there is not a report of driveby shootings, ect.........Just a quick segment and never a it is a common thing..Cannot not imagine the bigger New York, Chicago Los Angeles...............Yes, the media loves it....when it is a not a so common thing..Like Jesse...........I was so sick of trying to find one channel..NOT having the Anna Nicole in my face..And the ones trying in front of the camera to get their 15 minutes of fame.Like, the Judge in her case......Just let the Law their job..I am sure ..Jesse's autopy will show..her cause of death.................Ross..NOT defending her boyfriend..but I just read where Policemen are in such demand..that they are now lowing the requirements. Like past minor offenses.....ect..because of the low salary....I still check my hometown paper in Alabama ..Local news..the Police chief quit...needing more pay..due to a daughter in high school and a son in college. His salary...$45,000a year..and he was the highest in their Police dept..(salary).......People need to get behind all the policemen in America and demand more pay for them...if we are going to get the best, qualified......people that help us to get rid of the crime rate.....Yes, I have a Policemen, son..17 years now..why I am grayhaired..knowing I may get that call. saying he was killed by a crazy person for NO reason...:mad: Bonnie
They're not lowering the standards here. It's still very tough to get in. Somewhat easier for local police departments, but Sheriffs dept and State Patrol are a real nightmare to get into.