Busted Collarbone

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Tom F.

Well-known member
Dec 28, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
I tripped, fell, and fractured my right collarbone friday. You know what? This hurts 100 times worse than anything I felt after my OHS. OUCH!
Man I thought I broke mine once and I know it hurt 100 times worse then anything I ever felt, but it wasn't broken. That's just a nice tender area to inflict some real pain, break or not.

How do they treat something like that?
I broke mine a long time ago and it wasn't pleasent. Did you get one of those awesome cross your heart strap things. What a pain in the butt. I broke mine and a week later I slipped on some ice and rebroke it.
A broken Collar Bone is NO FUN !

Did you get a (figure 8) Brace?

I think the most difficult part of the (way too long) recovery is finding a comfortable Sleep Position.

I'm thinking the usual Heart Patient solution of sleeping in a recliner may be a good option, or a body pillow and sleeping at a 45 degree angle supported by the long pillow.

Good Luck!
Thanks folks. All they did was put me in a normal sling, not the figure 8 which they no longer use. And some pain pills. And yea sleeping is a challenge. ugh.....
Yikes, Tom ... sorry this happened to you.

Hope you feel better soon!

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