Bubba Update!!!

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 3, 2005
Richland, GA (USA)
Ok, I had my second Echo since my OHS. First, the good news. The Mitral Valve Repair is doing just great. The second replacement lead (remember, they left the OLD ONE in there too) for my Defibulator doesn?t seem to be causing any problems. I?ve got some regurge but she felt it was probably being caused by the rhythm problems I?m experiencing.

Now to the less than good news. I?m still having bouts of A-Fib. I?m back on Coumadin. I?m back to taking two handfuls of pills morning and night. I have days where I can?t take more than a few steps without feeling like I just covered a mile. I get home at night feeling wiped out. Still having bouts of waking up at night trying to get my breath. Although I don?t think I?m anywhere as bad as before my OHS this sudden backsliding is disheartening, to say the least.

I?ve got my follow-up with the Cardio the 5th of March. His head nurse and I had a good heart-to-heart talk after the Echo. She said he will probably want to first try meds to correct my A-Fib. They both know my dislike of Amiodarone but unfortunately even with all the potential bad side effects, this drug usually does the job. It just has to be closely monitored to make sure it doesn?t do a JOB on something else at the same time. If that doesn?t work, we may consider me going back to Atlanta to see the Heart Electrician who did my original cardiac ablation and see what he suggest. Of course, like she said ?Sometimes it just corrects itself?. I hadn?t experienced any problems like this since my OHS and it just showed up with the sinus infection so maybe it will clear up with time.

Just another ?bump in the road? we sometimes experience. I?ll keep y?all posted.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Glad to hear at least partial good news. Now lets just hope that the doctor has some good news for you and that it can be corrected with medication. I cannot take that stuff, so hopefully it will work for you!
Glad your repair is doing good. Sorry to read about your bumps, hope it all works out, all the best. Nice to see you back.
Dan, sometimes ppl get sick or a bit run down and our precious repaired hearts don't always know what to make of it.
I've found that reducing salt and eating small amounts of simple foods more often, eases the BP and arrythmia.
Hopefully there is a med that will work for you.:) Hang in there.
Bubba, I hope this is resolved soon and that you can return to normalcy. You've had your share of hits this year. Take care and get better soon.
I hope you're staying away from any and all fires????????
If not, you should be.
Goodness Danny/Bubba --- I am glad for the good news, but not glad about the not-so-good news. Sending my prayers your way. It is great to see you back on here, and I pray everything just gets better and better for you now. Sounds like your doctors are on top of the situation.

Bubba, I'm sorry you are having trouble with a-fib. I know first hand how awful rhythm problems can make you feel. Hopefully, they can find a fix without going onto Amiodarone. Glad to see you back, you were missed.

Bubba,great to see your update,sorry for all the potholes

hopefully they can be cleared up.

I know about the Amiodarone.....got there myself after surgery Jan 22

i agree with you it helps as long as it doesn't help something else:confused::confused:

Take care,your in my thoughts and prayers.

zipper2 (DEB)
I hope you do self convert but be prepared if it does not. With your defib they should be able to narrow the scope of meds that will possibly help with the afib. As you know damage from amnio is damage that you cannot turn the clock back on. I have only one med left to try which is Sotolal. I have taken all the others had 4 ablations and a maze and was in NSR for about 6 months. Living with the constant afib can take a toll on your life and you really appreciate the "not as bad" days. I have not started the final med since it feels to final. I am trying to handle my life in a more orderly fashion but when it gets totally out of hand one half of the lowest dose of Ativan helps without the side effects of the afib meds. I use it about twice a month and then have afib free days from such a small amount. It certainly can rule your life can't it. Good luck on taming the monster.

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear the good news and will keep you and Peggy in my prayers for the A-fib issue. Hang in there and don't over do it when you are feeling better.

Hey Danny, So glad you posted on your update! Have you tried magnesium which can help with heart arrhythmias? Try to stay away from processed foods and salty foods. Do some deep breathing exercises from the abdomen when you are sitting up straight at work. Helps expand the lungs and "clear them out".Call me if I can help in any way!
Danny, Great to have you back! I am sorry you are still having trouble. This has been a prolonged "bump", and I don't approve of it! I do hope you feel better soon. All the best, Brian
Hope you start feelin better soon. Hope changing some meds and diet will help.
Listen to AZPam she has some good information that might help. Keep us posted on whats happening.
Hey Danny! Bummer!! They're sure there's no infection brewing close to the new valve, right? Really checked you out on that?

And say, I remember my PVC's making me really tired. I would think that A-fib would certainly do the same thing.

Ya know what else? I think our bodies have memories. I think that surgery was no fun for our whole body -- that train wreck feeling. So when we get really sick, our body remembers what it felt like and goes back. Of course, this wouldn't explain all of what you are feeling, but perhaps the long duration.

FWIW. :rolleyes:

Please feel better, Danny!!! Thinking of you!!
