Bronchitis got me

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Don't fret over it. Maybe there aren't enough pygmies in the rain forest, the stars aren't lining up right or some other issue preventing moving forward. There is a reason for it.
I was going to start your surgery thread today; guess I'll wait!;) Like Ross said, the planets weren't in the proper alignment or something, so don't fret.
Sorry to hear this jennifer,take care of yourself....prayers to you.

zipper2 (DEB)
Sorry to read this news Jennifer. Try not to fret, there is probably some reason we know nothing about. The stars will line up and all will be well for you. Best wishes.
Thanks for the encouragement....I am not down as much as I was when the last date was canceled. I want to be safe....and be 100% healthy before the surgery. :)
I hope you get better soon. You need all of your energy when you have surgery. Good luck & God Bless