Broken sternal wire

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
I had a few x-rays taken for a few another problem I've been having and discovered that one of my sternal wires is broken in half. I'm pretty sure that this is a new thing. I have no idea how this happened, didn't even realized they could break. Do you guys think it's ok to leave it like this? It doesn't bother me at all.

Hm. I have no idea! I think that's definitely worth a call to the surgeon! He will probably want to see a copy of the x-ray! Let us know what he says. I'm glad it isn't giving you any discomfort.

I had one that broke a few weeks after my surgery and from my experience; you're lucky....mine caused me severe pain. Like someone was trying to cut their way out from the inside.
I would contact your surgeon and get their take on whether to have it removed or not.
IMHO....I would have it removed.

It is possible to have a broken wire years after surgery as the sternal bone remodels itself. Most of the times it is of no consequence. If it does not bother you and it is not sticking out, there is most likely no need to do anything about it. It is certainly worth a call to your surgeons to take a look at it and get an informed opinion.

I think you should call your surgeon. If it doesn't bother you at all it doesn't mean a thing. Play it safe.

Let us know what's going on. Keep us posted.
Yikes Kimmie! I'm so glad to hear that it is not bothering you, however as the others have said, I would definitely call the surgeon or the cardio to get their opinion.

Will be waiting to hear what you heard.
Always best to play it safe and call the docs.

But just to let you know, after my Dad's 1st surgery his wires (not exactly sure how many, but definitely more than 1) snapped in the middle of the night. He woke up to this loud popping sound and what felt like a baseball thrown at his chest. He lived with clicking, unmatched ribs, and hanging wires for another 6 years til Feb of this year when he had OHS #2. Surgeon #2 had quite a job just trying to repair the ribs as he was closing up Dad.

It's not that I am exactly recommending this type of lifestyle... but just thought that I'd thrown it out there. lol.

Take care.
Bina...that is my nightly activity, how did you know?

Andy, My Dr. did tell me that the wires had done their job, that my sternum was fine and was completely healed. I had a really bad stomach virus a couple weeks ago and I swear afterwards, I told my husband that I had heard and felt a weird pop in my chest afterwards..I'm wondering if that's when it happened.
Ok, so this is one of the reasons why I continue to be one of the Mayo clinic's biggest cheerleaders. After I posted this on here and thought about it earlier today, I e-mailed my surgeon around noon today. Every time I have ever e-mailed him, I have gotten a response back, from him personally, the same day. So, I just opened my e-mail and this was there:

Dear Kim,

The broken wire is not problem. It will not move and it does not need to
be removed. I am happy to talk to you if you like.


Can you imagine that the man sent that to me on a Saturday night? Anyway, unless it starts to bother me, I'm not going to worry about it anymore.

How kind of your surgeon to write and put your mind at ease. What a fine gentleman.
Happy to hear the popped wire is not a problem for you.
Kim, that's what I thought, but didn't want to appear intrusive. I don't remember the last time that I have barfed, but sometimes I cough quite a bit with allergies, and that scares me a bit that I may still do some damage to my chest or heart.
Hopefully you are feeling better.
I'm so glad that you received positive news from your surgeon, Kim!
So glad to know that you heard from your surgeon, himself! Not too many doctors out there would take the time to respond to their patients personally.

Stay well....layoff the chandeliers for a while! :)
Bina...that is my nightly activity, how did you know?

Andy, My Dr. did tell me that the wires had done their job, that my sternum was fine and was completely healed. I had a really bad stomach virus a couple weeks ago and I swear afterwards, I told my husband that I had heard and felt a weird pop in my chest afterwards..I'm wondering if that's when it happened.

Bina, sorry, this is gross, but no, I think it happened when I was vomitting.




We are just glad that no more surgery is needed