Breathing and feeling heartbeat

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I am almost 6 weeks out from AVR (TFX 3000 tissue valve). I am doing great and have one small issue. When I take a deep breath I can feel my heart beating. As I exhale the beating sensation will go away. If I breathe normal (at rest) I don't feel it also. I'm sure that my lungs expanding are causing this but wanted to hear from others who may have experienced this.
Well, I just tried it and the same thing happens to me. Never thought about it before. Probably happens to everyone but you are just more aware of things since surgery.
Breathing and feeling heartbeat

I just tried it myself and had the same reaction; I can feel my heart beating after taking a deep breath. I can also hear it when I lie down on my side.
I just tried the deep breathing and felt my heart when inhaling but not exhailing, and I have no heart problems (well that i know of lol) I think with what you just went thru you probably just are more intune w/ your heart and noticing things you didn't before, lyn
Same For Me

Same For Me

I'm more than 21 years out and I still have the same experience. I have gotten used to it over the years. Welcome to the club! Brian
I agree...
I think we are more aware of our hearts now that we have had the OP...

I can hear and feel mine...the joys of a Mechanical Valve :D ...
I will worry when I cant hear it!;)
Yep, Same here....Great Valve by the way....I have the 29mm 3000 TFX....had it since last August. MOOOooooooo

Count me in

Count me in

I noticed the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I did a little poll among my friends and found that it happened to everyone. (Maybe that's why when doctors are listening to your heart, they ask you to take a deep breath?)

I think I know the feeling...

For me it was like my heart beat was literally knocking :eek: on my ribcage when I took a deep breath. This banging/knocking feeling gradually went away within the first 3-5:confused: months post operation. Though I still can (like I always have) feel and be more aware of my heart beat when taking a deep breath it is no where near the knocking I was experiencing the first months post operation.

I want to thank everyone who has responded. What a great website. TikTak described it perfectly. The knocking that you felt, I call it hammer heart. The very first night at home from the hospital I awoke to my head actually moving slightly to my heartbeat. I was sleeping on a firm leather lazyboy with no pillow.