Bragging on my dog!

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2009
Houston TX
Last week at the big dog show in Houston, my goofy little dog qualified 3 of 4 times and took 3 first places!

Hey Laurie, that was the Excellent Preferred class!

Can't tell you how exhaused I was after two 50 second runs/per day! It took me 2 more days of sleeping in to feel back to normal. Does anyone else get the heart/head pounding thing after a short sprint?



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Earnest was more impressed with the special cookies for going out and doing all that ridiculous agility stuff with me! Although I do believe she was showing off a bit in front of the other dogs at home who didn't get to go. Is it possible for a corgi to walk taller?
Have some shortness of breath with exercise. Mowing the grass really wipes me out. My heart rate goes from 111 to 175 just walking behind the mower for 10 minutes-can't even sing along with the iPod anymore while mowing.

I've been having some doctor conflicts, cardio says since left ventricle is ok (reading someone else's echo) it's probably asthma; gp says no 'traditional' asthma symptoms-go figure. I'm planning on insisting the new cardio do her own echo soon. Makes me wonder if the regurgitation isn't worse. (Cardio had commented that she was surprised the initial echo tech didn't look to see if there was a Coarc upon seeing the BAV-which seems I do have.)
GREAT Job at the show group would only ribbon if the show was for crazy, ill mannered BUT STILL LOVEABLE goofballs

I have trouble walking my own driveway and as far as the grass ,,,,I have a riding mower but still can't sing-a-long due to noise abatement laws and general complaints by the artists :mad2:
Yes, I do believe Corgi's can walk taller, especially when they just ran the agility course better than some of the other dogs.
Anyway, be a pest with your cardio. Don't let them try and minimize what you feel. Get new echo so that your doc can see what really is going on. I lived with a heart murmur for 45 years with doctor's telling me that it was no big deal. In the end, I started getting short of breath just walking 100 feet. Got a new cardio, and shazaammmm, I was in the hosptial getting a new aortic valve. So just stick to your guns. The only good advocate for you is YOU. Good Luck