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My wife wants to purchase a bowflex. Have any of you had experience with it? Thanks for any information or opinion.
No experience, but I would bet that vice president guy who does the TV ads spends a lot more than 20 minutes a day on one!

Also, I would think of it as a lot like weight lifting, so check with your cardio as to how much weight/resistance is acceptable or appropriate, given whatever limitations you may have.

Those black "resistance rods" are some type of plastic, so at least it wouldn't be too heavy to move the machine around.


I recommend the machine. I don't own one, however I own a similar type machine - Soloflex.

Mine is close to 10 years old and I love it. I had been lifting weights since I was a teenager (I'm 40 now) and I wanted a home machine that allowed me to workout without a spotter.

I used to have an Olympic free weight set up in my basement that was pretty elaborate. Prior to the Soloflex, I had a near miss accident with my 2-year old daughter when a 35 lb weight plate fell and almost hit her! After my heart stopped, I realized I needed something a little safer in my home and I don't regret the decision. If you want to win a bodybuilding title, Bowflex won't get your there. If you want safe weight training, it's an excellent product.

They are pricey, however check the papers in a few months and I'm sure some New Years Resolutions - slightly used models will be available. :)
Heard on the News

Heard on the News

Today..they are recalling 240,000 bowfles..made by Nautiaus SP? Bonnie


Saw that on TV this morning that they are doing recalls on this. Just caught the tail end and I guess that there have been quite few injuries and deaths. Probably will be on the new tonight.
I have had a Bowflex for 8-9 years and really like it. I used to lift a lot of heavy weights in college (20+ years ago), but I only use dumbbells now to supplement the Bowflex. I have had no problems with it and find it provides an excellent workout for creating and maintaining muscle and tone and strength. I am active in a lot of sports and find the Bowflex is very adaptable to targeting exercises for particular sports (e.g., forehands or backhands in tennis). One advantage of the Bowflex is it is easy on your joints as compared to weights.

The dumbbells are a nice addition. I have the Block.

I have a friend who recently purchased a Bowflex and he is also very happy with it. He is very active in competitive sports.

Get the Bowflex, you will like it.
I also have a bowfelx and have had it for several years now. My husband and I really like it! As someone else mentioned, it is much easier on your body than regular weights. There are so many differents things you can do on one, to work out every part of your body. I'm only 4 mths. post op and still having some problems with my incision, so I haven't started using much of my upper body yet, but I'm able to do all kinds of leg exercises on it. I walk on my treadmill to get the cardio workout, then to the Bowflex for the muscle training. Ours has a set up where we can use it as a rowing machine too. We've been real happy and haven't had any problems. The recall was on only certain types, not all, and our's was not one of the them. It was a defect in the bench part where there was a chance of it falling. It is very nice for folding up and putting it against a hardly takes up any space at all. I would highly recommend it if you're looking for something for weight training.....this is the best way to go and you can definitely see results in a short amount of time!

Happy exercising :)