Bovine tissue valve reop coming....

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2011
Wisconsin, USA
Hello -
I am new to this forum. I am wondering if there is anyone out there that had a similar situation. Aortic root enlargement with Aortic valve replacement 10 years ago Bovine valve. Now getting closer to the replacement again along with a new surprise of moderate mitral regurgitation which was never there before. Would love to talk to someone who went through the reop already. I am 41 years old.
Hello Bina! Thank you, I have been reading your posts. Actually I was wondering how you are liking your mechanical valve and the comadine?
Hi, Julie, Like Bina, I can't offer much help, but also wanted to say hello. My son Justin has had a few heart surgeries for a few different parts of his heart, and has a Bovine valve but his is in the pulmonary spot, so most surgeon won't use a mech valve there.
HI Julie,

I too cannot be much help....but I wanted to also say "welcome to the VR site"......this site has not only helped me with information, but I also received emotional support from many caring people. I am scheduled to have my new aortic tissue valve on April 20th. I hope my valve lasts at least 10 years. I also hope by then, it will be common practice to go by way of the femoral artery. We'll see. You are in my prayers and I will keep positive thoughts and positive energy your way. God bless you.

Hi Jeri -
Thank you. Best wishes for your valve replacement on the 20th I will say a prayer for you. I was hoping the same thing when I chose the tissue, technology is such a wonderful thing. I am quite sure you will love your new valve and feel wonderful after. God Bless.
Hello Bina! Thank you, I have been reading your posts. Actually I was wondering how you are liking your mechanical valve and the comadine?

My valve is great, very strong, and Coumadin has really not been an issue for me, at least not so far. :)
The med that annoys me is the Metoprolol for my arrhythmia issues, but that is just one of those things to deal with.
My valve is great, very strong, and Coumadin has really not been an issue for me, at least not so far. :)
The med that annoys me is the Metoprolol for my arrhythmia issues, but that is just one of those things to deal with.

Thank you Bina.
Julie, I haven't had a REop, but the long gradual deterioration of my BAV did over-tax my MV, causing MV regurg. When I first saw my surgeon, he thought it would resolve on its own after the AV was replaced. But when surgery-day approached, his tune (and probably my test results) had changed. The surgical prescription/consent form said "MV replace or repair"! He went with "repair", a Dacron ring that was invented where I had my OHS. It made me do ACT for 3 months. It wasn't a major nuisance by any means, but I'm glad to be rid of it.

I think the same AV stenosis (and higher pressure-drops) that causes LV enlargement and thickening is what exerts above-normal back-pressure on the MV, eventually overpowering it and causing regurg, even though the valve is healthy. In the delicate choice of the timing for VR (initial or re-op), that damage has to be one of the decision-making inputs. On one hand, I might have skipped the MV repair if I'd had the VR sooner. OTOH, I seem to be fine now, and getting a VR (and starting this long slow rehab) while I was still asymptomatic might have been a serious psychological challenge.
Hi Julie. Several of us on the forum have had more than 1 AVR due to issues with a tissue valve failing after AVR #1. Many fewer have had to have a mechnaical replaced, usually due to pannus growth or endicarditis. Some choose tissue again the 2nd time, some mechanical. Some found it just as easy or easier than thier first surgery, others had more problems the second time. My tissue valve only lasted 7 years. I was 45 when implanted. I didn't have mitral issues either AVR but had several other issues AVR #2.
It would help to know WHY your Boving Aortic Valve needs replacement.

IF it is becoming more stenotic (i.e. reduced effective valve opening), internal pressures would have to rise to 'push' out as much blood as before. This increased pressure could also be the cause of your Mitral Valve Regurgitation in which case, the regurgation 'may' resolve after the defective aortic valve is replaced. The Surgeon will determine this BEFORE closing you back up.

'AL Capshaw'
Yes stenotic is what I am understanding but then again.... Noone really wants to give me details. They just keep me going back every 3 months for echos and stating if you feel worse between now and then call us... You see my original cardios retired and am starting over.... So this new cardio asked me why I would have ever chosen to have a tissue valve, kind of like "That was dumb". I have been through every test you can imagine to diagnose the radiating pain that starts between my shoulder blades and runs down both arms. This is with excersion, Sometimes it is worse than others. If I don't stop what I am doing it keeps getting worse until the point of holding both arms and sobbing with pain. I cannot explain it but it feels like if you keep going something bad is going to happen. Finally my MD told me that I would just have to live with my limitations until it is time. Noone can explain what it is, it cannot be solely related to the heart, some of it maybe but not all of it. So here I sit, no explanation, and playing the waiting game. I understand everyones frustration. They keep telling me to call if things worsen. I am envisioning that must mean what? The classical TV show heart attack which doesn't normally happen like that in woman.

Chris, any suggestions on your Bovine tissue re-op signs?
Julie, You didn't ask, but IF your docotrs won't give you answers, or even treat you like this guys attitude about your valve choice, I would be looking for new doctors. IF you don't have copies of your tests, I would work on that as soon as possible, so you can see what the different measurements are and keep track of how things are changing. Also you will know how close you are to needing surgery by having copies of your different measurements

When you said you've had every test for the radiating pain, are you talking about just you heart or maybe it is from something completely different like your neck or back?

Do you have copies of all your echoes and interpretations of the results? When did your previous cardio retire? Your new one should have gotten your records and be able to give you copies and explain the results.
Julie.... The last 2 posts are a great way to need your latest test interpretations to take to someone who can actually help you. I really don't have much to add except to say find someone new you can trust. That cardio's attitude concerning your valve choice was very unprofessional in my opinion. You need to move on from that one. You made the decision that was "right" for you at the time. I hope and pray that you find answers soon that will bring you some relief and peace. I wish I could offer more help. But you are in my prayers.
God bless.

Pain that "starts between the shoulder blades and runs down your arms" can be classic symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease (especially in men but...)

Have you had a Nuclear Stress Test where you walk on a tread mill and they inject a radio-active dye for the last minute and then 3-D images are recorded over the next 20? minutes? These images can show areas of blockage. IF areas of blockage are found, then your cardiologist will probably want you to have an angiogram (heart catheterization) to localize the blockage (and possibly 'fix it' with an angioplasty).

OR, if your stenosis is severe, that could limit your heart's ability to meet your body's needs during exertion. Be sure to get copies of ALL of your Echocardiograms for comparision. After you've read a few, it gets pretty easy to understand and compare the results. I transpose my Echo Report data to a Spread Sheet for easy comparison.

'AL Capshaw'