BLS Certificate (Basic Life Support)

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Bryan B

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
I took this 3 hour course this morning and i just wanted to recommend to anyone who hasn't taken it to consider it. It cost 50.00 to take and I have to take a renewal course every 2 years to keep it current, but I found it well worth the money. There are a lot of myths about CPR that this class clears up, plus it teaches you how to do CPR differently on adults, children and infants, and it also teaches how to do abdominal thrusts (heimlich maneuver) on adults, children and infants. It also teaches you how to use AED's (automated external defibrillator) as well as other resuscitating devices.

I took it because some of the jobs I am applying for require it but now I am glad I took it regardless of the job requirements. If I have to use this knowledge once in my life and it saves a life it would be priceless.

An AED is only programmed to activate when it reads specific heart rhythms like A-fib. They won’t shock if they read a rhythm that is different from the programming. If it reads a shock or artifact from the ICD, it will not shock. The ICD is most likely the better device to shock the heart back into rhythm. If the ICD is not doing the job and the heart is flat lined, the cold hard fact is that CPR is needed and quickly followed up with drugs from advance health care. An AED won’t help.

I have done CPR hundreds of time and from my point of view that early intervention is the key. If they flat line too long, it is not a good out come. Knowing CPR and being at the right place and right time does save lives. I have seen it.

Good for you Bryan and Greg to learn CPR.