Blood in Urine

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
Southern California
This morning I exercised (ran about 2.5 miles) and then noticed darker urine. Later in the day I noticed the definite presence of fresh red blood in my urine (gross hematuria). I've heard exercise can cause it to exist for a short time and I'm wondering if being on Warfarin makes it more likely. My INR was 2.4 this morning (INRATIO2 tested). I'm also on alert since I am at high risk for a re-occurence of Melanoma cancer. My question is: Have others had any occurrences of hematuria while on Warfarin?
I had a similar experience a few months ago, although the color was brownish. I ran an INR test and, like you, I was well within range so I discounted an ACT problem. I drank a couple glasses of water and decided to wait till next morning before calling was OK by morning. I have no idea what it could have been.....but I suspect it was food related?? I have read that this can happen to anyone, blood thinner or not, and not to be concerned unless it does not clear itself....but I would certainly advise my doc if it does not clear.

Thanks for the input. I will check it for the next couple of days to see if it goes away and then go in, if it persists. In my case, the blood seems to only be at the beginning or ending of the urination, which seems to indicate bleeding in the bladder or closer to the "exit" and may be some kind of infection. No other symptoms however.
The only time I have had blood in my urine, my INR was 6.8. I didn't know it, but I was going into DIC from endocarditis, and my INR ended up at 9.3 before the vit K shots brought it down in the hospital. ( I had a subarachnoid hemorrhage the day after that 6.8 reading). I would probably contact your doc, but your INR seems fine, so it must be something else going on.
Ummm - Could be a "guy" thing. I had a bout of this about 10 years ago and it turned out to be a mildly enlarged prostate. Totally benign (in my case) but scary nonetheless. Could also be caused by passage of kidney stones. They don't all hurt like hell. . .
This morning I exercised (ran about 2.5 miles) and then noticed darker urine. Later in the day I noticed the definite presence of fresh red blood in my urine (gross hematuria). I've heard exercise can cause it to exist for a short time and I'm wondering if being on Warfarin makes it more likely. My INR was 2.4 this morning (INRATIO2 tested). I'm also on alert since I am at high risk for a re-occurence of Melanoma cancer. My question is: Have others had any occurrences of hematuria while on Warfarin?

I've had microscopic hematuria for years. I finally agreed to have a cystoscopy last week, which showed everything normal, as did CT scans, an ultrasound and X-rays from last spring and June.

However, you apparently have some visible blood. Did you exercise more vigorously, or had it been some time since you had exercised?
I would give it a day or 2, then check with your family doctor or internist.
BTW, have you ever smoked?
Marsha - You've brought up the 600-pound gorilla in the room. I wasn't going to go there, but now that you mention it, it is important to consider because smoking can cause bladder irritation, and in some extreme cases (such as my late mother's), cancer of the bladder and kidneys. Sure hope it isn't that, though!
catwoman said:
However, you apparently have some visible blood. Did you exercise more vigorously, or had it been some time since you had exercised?
I would give it a day or 2, then check with your family doctor or internist.
BTW, have you ever smoked?


I've never smoked, but I did run that morning a little longer and harder than normal, although not very hard. I ride my bike more often than run. The hematuria only seemed to be that day. I've not seen it since (unless it's micro) so hopefully it's nothing. I will mention it to my oncologist.

Thanks for the input,
I am not on warfarin but I noticed gross hematuria two weeks ago. Muscle degeneration was ruled out by urinalysis. Went through Ultrasound, regular CT Scan followed by contrast CT Scan (radioactive dye) and more blood work followed by cytoscopy (ouch ouch !!) . All perfect. Finally they suspected some kind of an infection and gave me ciproflaxin. On it right now and seems to be improving. I wonder why they can't give me antibiotics first followed by the other expensive tests. I guess someone has to pay the doctors for all the expensive test equipment !! No wonder our health care costs are sky-high here in the US.
enkaynj said:
I am not on warfarin but I noticed gross hematuria two weeks ago. Muscle degeneration was ruled out by urinalysis. Went through Ultrasound, regular CT Scan followed by contrast CT Scan (radioactive dye) and more blood work followed by cytoscopy (ouch ouch !!) . All perfect. Finally they suspected some kind of an infection and gave me ciproflaxin. On it right now and seems to be improving. I wonder why they can't give me antibiotics first followed by the other expensive tests. I guess someone has to pay the doctors for all the expensive test equipment !! No wonder our health care costs are sky-high here in the US.

Did your hematuria continue and not go away, or was it only one day? Mine has not returned (at least not visibly) since that one day last week. I ran this morning and so far, none visible.
Did your hematuria continue and not go away, or was it only one day? Mine has not returned (at least not visibly) since that one day last week. I ran this morning and so far, none visible.

Mine continued on for 2 weeks with a break of a day or two in between. After I started taking the antibiotics, it seems to have gone away now. Hope it stays that way. I started spinning classes again with no problem. Plan to do a 3-mile run on Monday.
I am not on warfarin but I noticed gross hematuria two weeks ago. Muscle degeneration was ruled out by urinalysis. Went through Ultrasound, regular CT Scan followed by contrast CT Scan (radioactive dye) and more blood work followed by cytoscopy (ouch ouch !!) . All perfect. Finally they suspected some kind of an infection and gave me ciproflaxin. On it right now and seems to be improving. I wonder why they can't give me antibiotics first followed by the other expensive tests. I guess someone has to pay the doctors for all the expensive test equipment !! No wonder our health care costs are sky-high here in the US.

I think it's a CYA thing.

I prefer to go with the least expensive, least invasive approach on anything medical.

Re: Cystoscopy. I thought it was the easiest, least painful procedure I've had in a very long time. The PA who did mine 2 weeks ago said that men find it uncomfortable, women do not. I was surprised at how little time it took. And pretty boring to watch, in comparison to a heart cath.
"Re: Cystoscopy. I thought it was the easiest, least painful procedure I've had in a very long time. The PA who did mine 2 weeks ago said that men find it uncomfortable, women do not. I was surprised at how little time it took. And pretty boring to watch, in comparison to a heart cath."

As a guy who has been there, I don't even want to talk about it. . .
Women have a urethra that's about an inch or so long. They don't have all that plumbing and stuff to go through in order to hit the bladder that men do. Cystoscopy and colonoscopy are two procedures that I've never had -- and certainly don't look forward to ever needing - or having. That said, being over 50 years old, I know that guidelines say that I'm supposed to have colonoscopy every year or so, but when I get the suggestion, I tell them what they can do with that scope.
The colonoscopy procedure isn't bad (I've had one before AVR), it's the fasting, drinking 1 gallon of salt water and possibly having to go off Warfarin that makes it bad.