Blood in stool.

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2011
Sioux City, Iowa.
I know everyone is going to say go to ER. But I'm posting anyways. Had my checkup today with cardiologist, blood work was fine for most part, he was very happy. Around 10 I started to not feel great mentally, kind of the feeling that you've been starring at a screen for to long. Waited a bit and got ready for bed, after I got my contacts out I felt fine. Before going to bed I had to use the bathroom..#2 :x, as I went something felt "odd" no pain, or anything just different. I looked down ( sorry for getting graphic ) and noticed quite the large amount of blood in the toilet. I'm not going to say Horror film blood..but enough to be alarmed especially since my INR has been high, that being said my Cardiologist wasn't worried at all. I've informed my dad who I live with and he said he'll do whatever I want, but I don't like the ER, and don't want to sit for 5 hours when I feel fine. So I told him I'd give it a couple hours and if it was still happening I'd tell him, otherwise I'll call doctor in the morning. I'm hoping there are some night owls on that may know what's going on. IF it's hemorroids, do I have to worry being on Coumadine? Am I going to die in my sleep?

The whole thing is strange to me because I saw my Cardiologist not even 7 hours ago, is it really nessecery to go to the Hospital?

i have had that a few times and turned out to be something or nothing, but i did get it checked out at docs, and think you should if only for piece of mind
I had a simular thing when i was in hospital & they held off my anti-coagulants (obviously i was highly monitored as i was in hospital) for a few days untill it stopped,
Hope your okay and the bleedings stopped,
Love Sarah xx
Hi Ovie,
I've noticed you haven't been around.
Happy you are posting but sorry it is with a problem.
IMO, time to see a doctor about this.
Hope it is something that is handled easily and quickly.
None of us like the ER but there are times it's what is needed.
Good luck. Let us know how you make out.
Yeah, I've had a quite the handful lately, but am around reading. I have an appointment with my Doctor on Friday, and gave my Cardiologist a call and hope to get insight from him. If it continues I'll just go to the ER. But it's just odd to me, after seeing my Cardo and being about 4 months out with everything looking good, then having something like that happen.

Neil, you said it was something and then nothing, mind me asking what that something was?
Blood in the stool can be caused by many things.

I have hemorroids. Being on warfarin is not a problem; I checked it out with my colorectal surgeon before my valve replacement in February. If it is not an emergency situation, for a diagnosis of your problem, I'd call my personal physician first, not the cardiologist. Hemorroids are often diagnosed by a digital rectal exam by personal physicians. If they can't tell, they will send you to a specialist, such as a protologist or colorectal surgeon.

Hemorroids usually occur after constipation, a very hard bowel movement, or a good attack of the "runs." If any of that has happened recently, you probably have hemorroids. A very hard bowel movement can also cause an anal fissure (small crack) that will bleed.
Blood in the stool can be caused by many things.

I have hemorroids. Being on warfarin is not a problem; I checked it out with my colorectal surgeon before my valve replacement in February. If it is not an emergency situation, for a diagnosis of your problem, I'd call my personal physician first, not the cardiologist. Hemorroids are often diagnosed by a digital rectal exam by personal physicians. If they can't tell, they will send you to a specialist, such as a protologist or colorectal surgeon.

Hemorroids usually occur after constipation, a very hard bowel movement, or a good attack of the "runs." If any of that has happened recently, you probably have hemorroids. A very hard bowel movement can also cause an anal fissure (small crack) that will bleed.

Again obviously I'm no doctor but the above comment seems right on. I had this issue off and on the first few months after. I think I had a combination of roids and small rectal cut. Doesn't hurt follow with a Doc but its probably nothing.
Im guessing roids, is that something that can cause internal bleeding? May sound dumb just don't have much knowledge on it. I haven't gone to the bathroom since the incident, which is odd for me..haven't had this happen since after surgery when I wasn't eating much, not the case now :)

Thank you for the replies.
Yeah, it was a brighter red..haven't had it since. I see my doctor in the morning and hopefully he can shed light on it.
Ovie, was just reading your posts and you stopped. What happened? Hope you are alright. We miss people when they keep in touch and then stop. Please come back. Hugs for today.