Blast from the Past

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
howdy everyone!

I just referred a pre-op friend to the site, so I thought I'd stop by the 'hood and see what's what.

I'm delighted to see that The Order of the Tawdry Shirt still seems to be kicking along, although I can't seem to see any of the photos.

I'm now in Miami, FL, working on a masters degree in Multimedia Journalism. Shooting mostly video/motion now, and loving it. Still traveling to crazy places once in a while, leaving for Nigeria in a couple weeks. Check out some new work if you get a chance:

My Ross Procedure is still treating me well. I see my cardio once a year and we all continue to be thrilled with things.

I hope everyone is well. I miss talking with all of you. Grad school, however, leaves me with barely enough time to talk with my wife! ;)

Take good care, everyone. Be well. Eat healthy. FLOSS! And stay in touch.

Best -
Great to hear from you.. when I started getting involved again in the site I was thinking of you.. Thanks for the update. best wishes with school!

Cool to see you post and glad to know you are well.

Cort | 36swm.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker * 07/24/2010 = Chitown #3 *
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Come pick me up" ... Ben Folds ... 'Landed'
Uh oh, I have been forgetting to floss. Thanks for the reminder! As the others have said, best of luck with school and other endeavors.
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