Biscupid Aortic Valve Repair Questions

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Hey everyone! It has been a while! I have a question. I had a BAV repair done last January. Right after surgery an echo was done and showed no leakage. I recently had another echo and it showed trace leakage. Is that normal? Can you expect your recently repaired valve to leak some that soon after surgery? The cardiologist said he can not hear any leaking at all and that is a very good sign, he can just see some on the echo. Also before I had surgery the cardiologist kept saying that my aorta was 43mm. When Dr. Ryan got in there during surgery he said is was only around 32mm but on the MRI?s and echoes they keep saying around 43mm. Who do I believe? Dr. Ryan is obviously an expert in this area so I tend to lean his way but it is still just concerning to have a surgeon and a cardiologist disagree on something that could be a serious issue. Plus Dr. Ryan actually got to see the aorta where as my cardiologist is just going off of an estimate from an MRI or an echo.

Thanks everyone!
Having just had my aortic bicuspid replaced, I was not aware there was a even repair option available. My Cardiologist stated a biscuspid valve is a congenital defect and (in my case) replacement was my only option.

However...I'm not a doctor and I didn't stay at the Holiday Inn.
Just remember that TRACE is only one step above NOTHING in medical progressions. I'm sure your Doc's will tell you NOT TO WORRY.

Medical Modifier Progression List

NO / None

(sometimes 2 are linked to indicate a possible range)
So what about the aorta issue. Who should I believe. A world class surgeon that specializes in aorta and aortic valve surgery and actually got to see my aorta and measure it himself, or a cardiologist from Tulsa, Oklahoma who goes off of an MRI?
An MRI should be more accurate than an Echo.

You may want to obtain a copy of your MRI CD/DVD and send it to Dr. Ryan for his opinion, or at least get a second opinion from someone who views the actual recording.