BillCobit YOU Are an Ironman!

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
SW Michigan
Congrats to BillCobit (and his wife!) on a great race and a strong finish in yesterday's Lake Placid Ironman. It is a gruelling course consisting of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and a full 26.2 mile marathon; yesterday's VERY hilly course was further characterized by crazy weather that alternated between cold and (mostly) hot, with a lot of wind and some rain. Over 200 rigorously trained athletes dropped out--many left by ambulance. Only true ironmen finished yesterday's race and our BillCobit was one of them! Congratulations, BillCobit and MrsCobit, you ARE Ironmen!
Congratulations Bill, and your wife, for another outstanding performance. You do us proud!:)
(Glad to see you stop by, PJ):)
Way to go Bill and Mrs. Cobit. True ironmen/women through and through!
Wow, you are too kind, PJ! Thanks for the kind words, everybody. Sorry, I haven't been such a regular visitor around here. I feel like I don't have much to contribute anymore, so I've mostly taken my whining and bragging to the CA site now that my valve problems and recovery experience are fading into the past (7.5 years!). It was great to meet you in LP. I understand you met my pals Dave and Gary as well. It was a challenging but rewarding day. We should be fully recovered in another day or two.

Here's video recap of the event for anyone who wants to see what the LP race course looks like. A swim in a clear mountain lake, a bike ride through beautiful countryside, and an evening jog along a mountain stream...when you think about it, Ironman is merely too much of a good thing!