Bike Crash

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Lynlw said:
i was wonderring how you are doing today? Lyn

Feeling a bit stiff and sore. Shoulder is bothering me - may go to get it checked out if it's not any better by the first of the week.
Thanks for asking. :)
Yep, definitetly trash the helmet esp. if it's cracked. It's served it's purpose. Glad to hear you're okay. Good testament for the Coumadin. I was working on my Jeep the other day and slipped with a wrench, I scraped and cut my hand open (not a big cut, maybe an 1") and no big deal. Wiped it off and just watched to see how long it would take to stop. Not long, about 30 seconds and my INR was even high this week at 4.8.

No I don't get in a habit of watching myself bleed, I was just curious this time. :)
Ross - Don't think it's the collarbone, it's more on the backside of the shoulder; joint feels okay. If it's not better by Mon, then I probably go see my doc.

Mike - Bought a new helmet last night. When I hit my the top of my head I could actually feel the foam liner of the old helmet compress. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion when I was bouncing and sliding across the road - a very strange sensation.

My only real regret about the whole incident is that I tore up my yellow LiveStrong bike jersey that I bought from the Lance Armstrong Foundation after my dad died of cancer two years ago. Right side is all ripped and shredded, including some Coumadin-enhanced blood stains. Actually have been thinking about framing it and putting it in my office. Might make a nice conversation piece for my clients. :)

MarkU said:
Actually have been thinking about framing it and putting it in my office. Might make a nice conversation piece for my clients. :)


LOL, was actually thinking, before I read the above quote, "He should frame it.":)

Great minds think alike.
Karlynn said:
LOL, was actually thinking, before I read the above quote, "He should frame it.":)

Great minds think alike.

Just have to find some way to get Lance to autograph it for me...:D

Hey Mark,
I'm sorry to hear about the bike crash but glad to hear you are O.K. ...especially since you are on that evil warfarin.;) .I've been reluctant to engage in road riding because of the "fear" of the crash,especially because I have been hit by a car before,am also on warfarin and use clipless pedals. Funny thing ...I ride the mtb trails without much fear....I guess its the lack of cars...
I've had a few...ok ...a bunch ...of crashes due to not getting out of my pedal quick enough.
Question....Do you use clipless pedals and if so do you think the use of clipless pedals aggravated the results of the crash ???

Thanks for posting about the crash.
MarkU said:
Everything seemed like it was in slow motion when I was bouncing and sliding across the road - a very strange sensation.
Just like in the movies and on instant replay. LOL.

Sorry to hear about the shoulder. Hope it gets better quick. Even if its "only" a bruise, it might take a few weeks to feel 100%. That was my experience with the rest of my forearm while the elbow was healing. It may not slow you down, just hurt.

Definitely frame the jersey with a photo of your dad. Rips and blood stains included. It's a testimony to the value of life and the honor of family. I'm sure that he's proud of you.
Bike crash

Bike crash

Hey Mark

Just logged on and have been reading about your attempts to smooth out the bumps in the road with your head!!!

When I was riding more regularly, most of my riding buddies had crash stories, some of which sent shivers up your spine! Glad to hear that the damage was relatively superficial. My mate Ian came off last year when the seat post broke on his old bike (which I'd given to him...) and actually broke his collarbone, whcih wasn't too good for his swimming.

We're in the middle of winter down-under so biking is not so enjoyable, but winter running with my new adopted greyhound "Bob the Dog" is going well.



PS ran PR's of 16.2 sec for 120m and 9:14 for 2km at the track on Monday night - not bad for a cold winter night!
MarkU said:
Ross - Don't think it's the collarbone, it's more on the backside of the shoulder; joint feels okay. If it's not better by Mon, then I probably go see my doc.

Mike - Bought a new helmet last night. When I hit my the top of my head I could actually feel the foam liner of the old helmet compress. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion when I was bouncing and sliding across the road - a very strange sensation.

My only real regret about the whole incident is that I tore up my yellow LiveStrong bike jersey that I bought from the Lance Armstrong Foundation after my dad died of cancer two years ago. Right side is all ripped and shredded, including some Coumadin-enhanced blood stains. Actually have been thinking about framing it and putting it in my office. Might make a nice conversation piece for my clients. :)


Good idea about the jersey and glad to hear only minor injuries. As a longtime biker, there are two types of riders - (1) those who have crashed and (2) those who are going to crash. You were smart and were wearing a helmet. Glad to hear you bought a new one. They usually need to be replaced every 3 years regardless of a crash and yours has done it's job!

I had a crash prior to my AVR about 6 years ago while still living near Chicago. I was on a paved bike path, all by myself enjoying a nice fast pace when a possum ran in front of me. I hit it and went down hard. I couldn't get my right foot off the clip and really twisted my ankle bad. It was a long, slow and painful 20 mile ride back in.
Rush20 said:
Good idea about the jersey and glad to hear only minor injuries. As a longtime biker, there are two types of riders - (1) those who have crashed and (2) those who are going to crash. You were smart and were wearing a helmet. Glad to hear you bought a new one. They usually need to be replaced every 3 years regardless of a crash and yours has done it's job!

I had a crash prior to my AVR about 6 years ago while still living near Chicago. I was on a paved bike path, all by myself enjoying a nice fast pace when a possum ran in front of me. I hit it and went down hard. I couldn't get my right foot off the clip and really twisted my ankle bad. It was a long, slow and painful 20 mile ride back in.

I didn't think about it at the time, but fortunately both of my feet popped right out of my clipless pedals, which helps to explain how I ended up 15 feet further down the road than my bike did.
Going to get back on the horse tonight and go for a short ride (with my new helmet!) to get my legs back under me and make certain the bike is really okay. My coach has me scheduled to do a "brick" workout (15 mile ride/2 mile run) on Sunday morning and an all-out 30 minute time trial on Tuesday morning, so I need to get back with the program. Next race is on 7/23 - sprint triathlon in Englewood, FL. (1/4 mi swim, 14 mile bike and 5k run).

Oh,ok, now I'm starting to get psyched! Tri talk coming at ya! I need a brick! I haven't done a brick since last summer! Mark! Turn it on and have some fun. You won't crash twice in 1 month (it's a little know race rule) Can't wait to hear about your tri! My first Du is July 30th . And best of all the Tour is just around the corner;finally something to watch on TV besides Wimbledon (which I love too!)