big changes

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
well, looks like some big changes are going to be happening, my boss and fellow staff have noticed I am slowing down lately, I had 144 hrs of call out time, and this has my boss questioning if I am fit to continue to do my job at my current capacity, she has asked me to get a "fit for work" note or whatever, and has asked that I consider cutting back my hours. I admit this has had me stressed out cause I feel guilty, even before talking to anyone about how much I have had to call out, as well as I have taken a hit to my pride/having to admit to myself that I cant do it any more/that I am slowing down/that my health is seriously adversely effecting my ability to work. well, bottom line is she has made me an offer that I pretty much cant refuse, she wants me to start doing cardiology stuff (stress tests/holters) because she knows I have a passion for this stuff and I have alot of skills in cardiology. I will have to cut back to 64 hrs/pay 32 hrs/wk. but I will be able to fill in/pick up hours doing traditional clinical care/respiratory therapy as I want to/can.

I am happy that I will finally be able to get on days, but I am having a hard time because my doctors say that I am doing "great" my functional status should be good. I can no longer deny that there is an issue here, my health is seriously effecting my ability to work. My boss also leveled with me, she's got neck/back issues and has had the same problem with pride, and recently has had to admit it and have the surgery she needs. She said she can also see the change in me. She told me there's no way I am "imagining" my HR at 180, she can tell I am having arrhythmias again. and has convinced me that this is the right thing to do before something dangerous happens and/or I crack and its the end of my carreer

that said I am working on getting my arrhythmias diagnosed, the holter I had was negative, and I am waiting on my EP doc to get back from vacation to figure out the next step., this is one piece of the puzzle, the others I am hoping will improve with less hours working/not on nights and having the energy to apply to taking care of myself

also, I realized that my boss, and a few fellow employees being my friend on FB see my posts and when I stated I was trying to hide it (meaning the arrhythmias/health issues) she came back with "well, its all over facebook" this is an eye opener, and I wont be posting any health related statuses on my FB, has anyone else had this issue before? has anyone else has these types of experiences before with work/health issues? can anyone else give me some advice? I'm still processing/trying to accept, this is really hard. . .
Firstly I truly sympathize with you. I haven't been in your situation, but watched my husband have to make a decision to completely leave a profession he loved due to a medical condition. So only you can decide what will work best for you. The option you were given sounds nice, but I don't know enough about you to say how the emotional side of your brain would handle this. As to the facebook issue, my feeling is that if you don't want others to know your true feelings about a subject then don't post it there (even if they say they are your friends). I wish you the very best in whatever direction you decide to go.
Morgan, I am so sorry to read of your problems, is there any talk/thought of a ICD or pacemaker ......180 is the upper limit of mine before "therapy" is delivered and whenever it is delivered (six times in two years) I feel great and want to take on the world as my HR has been regulated
hey guys
I thank you for all your replies, its been a crazy week, I just worked 3 12 hr night shifts in a row and yet again have another reminder that this is the right thing, today has been a rough day, not feeling that great. I just wanted to say thanks, I really appreciate the support, I know I can always rely on you guys to help me through, I'm sorry I didnt get a chance to reply till now, but every time I got a reply/post email it picked me up a little bit to be able to read and know that I have support.

Greg, I havent had an ICD mentioned to me/offered, it's probably not indicated as more than likely this is not a ventricular arrhythmia, but we'll see
Again, I am your corner. I don't know how religous you might be but for me I usually just ask Jesus to hold my hand and walk with me. I believe that you will come to the right answer for you and you alone. Sometimes things look confusing but in the end, that little voice in our head tells us what is right. God Bless You

Thoughts/prayers en route....

Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic
* post-surgeryPARTY = 5:30p-10:30p, SAT, 02/11/12 | Beef Villa, 1225 W Spring St, S Elgin IL *
"Why'd you do it?" __ Reba McEntire __ 'The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia'
Just found out from Dr Lustgarten's Nurse, I am going to have a loop recorder implanted, I am so excited someone believes me and we are continuing to move in the right direction for getting answers and getting this fixed. . . Not excited about the implant/surgery, but I'm gonna do what I have to!!! They are going to call me to make the appt. Does anyone know how long the recovery is? how long should I be out of work? sounds to me like I might be able to go back in a day or two?
Hey Morgan, I unfortunately can't help you with your question, but hope that this procedure will hold the key to getting things going in the right direction. Will keep you in my prayers as you begin you journey.
also, I realized that my boss, and a few fellow employees being my friend on FB see my posts and when I stated I was trying to hide it (meaning the arrhythmias/health issues) she came back with "well, its all over facebook" this is an eye opener, and I wont be posting any health related statuses on my FB, has anyone else had this issue before? has anyone else has these types of experiences before with work/health issues? can anyone else give me some advice? I'm still processing/trying to accept, this is really hard. . .

As for FB, that should be for friends. Use LinkedIn for professional relationships. Unfriend the professionals in you life and connect with them on LinkedIn.

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