Beta blockers

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Congrats!!! Ohh what a feeling it must be to get off them!!
Please drop us a note in a few weeks, and let us know how you are feeling when totally off them!
Well I've been off the beta blockers for two weeks now ! I haven't noticed much difference actually, though I would say that my blood pressure is slightly lower than it was when I was on them. My BP is now averaging around 120/80, paradoxically when on BBs it was higher, like 130/90. Before AVR it averaged 95/65 which I much roll on it getting down to that. My pulse is in the upper 70s low 80s which is slightly higher than before surgery....much preferable to too low !

The visual disturbances of silvery blobs crossing my vision (daily), migraine auras and double vision are still there so they can't be to do with the BBs - must be an after effect of open heart surgery I suppose - they don't bother me, except the double vision, but thankgoodness that particular thing doesn't happen very often.
My Doctor put me Metoprolol 25mg. Since then my resting heart rate is in the high 40's. I feel tired after a small amount of work. I really don't know what to make of it. Do I ask to speak with him about it? Who knows... And the beat goes on...
My Doctor put me Metoprolol 25mg. Since then my resting heart rate is in the high 40's. I feel tired after a small amount of work. I really don't know what to make of it. Do I ask to speak with him about it? Who knows... And the beat goes on...
I would definitely talk to your doctor about it. IMHO, if your resting HR is below 50, you should be somewhat concerned, especially if you are tired or sleepy or dizzy, etc. Basically, if it affects your quality of life, it is a problem.
Beta Blockers

Beta Blockers

6.25 mg, twice daily coreg - cardio doesn't want to increase it due to my resting heart rate being only 50-60. I was taking 2.5 mg of Lisinipril (1x daily), which was just doubled to 5.0 as long as my systolic bp stays above 90. I think that the specific patient's dose, as with warfarin, can vary by quite a bit, depending on the goal, efficacy, and side effects. I am probably on these for the long run, as reverse remodeling can go on for five years or more post-AVR, and I have a way to go.

I was taking Lisinipril for a long time for my high blood pressure. I didn't know I had aortic stenosis, after I was diagnosed several doctors told me that is a bad medicine for heart valve problems, I would double check on taking that and ask questions about it.
Well I've been off the beta blockers for two weeks now ! I haven't noticed much difference actually, though I would say that my blood pressure is slightly lower than it was when I was on them. My BP is now averaging around 120/80, paradoxically when on BBs it was higher, like 130/90. Before AVR it averaged 95/65 which I much roll on it getting down to that. My pulse is in the upper 70s low 80s which is slightly higher than before surgery....much preferable to too low !

The visual disturbances of silvery blobs crossing my vision (daily), migraine auras and double vision are still there so they can't be to do with the BBs - must be an after effect of open heart surgery I suppose - they don't bother me, except the double vision, but thankgoodness that particular thing doesn't happen very often.

Thanks for the update! It looks like you are doing fine off the BB's. I am curious about your BP and heart rate. Perhaps these will improve as you become more active with your workouts and other activities. I am not sure if the doctors would ever let me get off the BB's due to my dissection. As far as they are concerned the lower the BP and the slower the pulse the better for my aorta, as there would be less pressure and less pounding against it.

Hope you continue to feel good, btw.. I get those floaters and only once the double vision, never had them before surgery.

I was put on beta blockers after surgery as a percussion and because I had normal/high blood presssure. My cardiologist figured I should stay on a low dose for life. I took the meds for several months but endured strange and annoying side effects. I didn't know if the very small dose of the beta blocker was to blame, but after I asked to be taken off the side effects disappeared...
I am on Bystolic (Nebivolol) 2,5mg daily since a longer period (I started with it a few weeks post-surgery on my own will and decission) now and as I have no side effects I do not even ask my doc if I could get of. I think it is a very small dose and it might ease the days for my heart. I read a few studies obout it and liked what I found there. As I am working in the field of drugs it may be that it is in some way "easier" for me to be on one or two (I also take 75mg aspirine/day voluntarily) of them ;-) My cardiologist is fine with my "self prescriptions" and promotes my self-deciding what to take/do and what not, but I speak with her at least yearly about it when I have may check-up`s.
What do you think the doctors meant who said Lisinopril was bad for valve problems?

I was taking Lisinipril for a long time for my high blood pressure. I didn't know I had aortic stenosis, after I was diagnosed several doctors told me that is a bad medicine for heart valve problems, I would double check on taking that and ask questions about it.
interesting that the docs said lisinopril was a bad medicine for valves? my cardio and surgeon and various gps said it was a commomly used drug for people with valve replacements
I didn't ask the cardiologist why it was bad for valves, I was actually just really mad I was on it and found myself with aortic stenosis, all a surprise to me, all I did was change primary doctors and she heard a murmur and we went from there. So in the last 4 months, I changed doctors, got a surprise diagnosis, & open heart surgery. Now that it's all done and I am doing fine I will ask next time I have a office visit. Now I just take Lopressor.
10 weeks post-op, I met with my GP and I was 90/60. He expressed some concern over that (I didn't feel weak or dizzy or anything) so I called the cardiologist who prescribed it for me. The nurse called me back and said to cut my dose in half. I was taking 25 mg 2X/day, and now I take 12.5mg 2X/day.

The only change I have noticed is yesterday morning (first day with lower dose) at cardiac rehab, it seemed to take longer than usual for my heartrate to get back in to the resting range, which previously was 50-60, and now seems to be 60-70.

I'm curious what side effects anyone is having? I seem to have been more comfortable on the higher dose, byt it may be just the heightened awareness of the thump thump because I know there was a med change. I'd like to be on as few meds as possible, just for my liver's sake.
I had my beta blockers cut in half at about 4 weeks post op because they seemed to actually be causing my heart to go too slow - going down to mid 60s I felt uncomfortable and it always sounded very noisy, very thump thump, at that slowness. I much rather my resting rate is in the 70s or even low 80s. I still wasn't comfortable at the half dose and at 12 weeks post op my cardiologist said I could stop the beta blockers altogether. They're prescribed to help stop AF post operatively and I never had any of that anyway. I've been keeping tabs on my blood pressure all the time - not being obsessive about it but checking it once or twice a day (I have a good upper arm cuff gauge and take it better than they do at the GP or hospital since I make sure I'm resting and not talking etc) and my blood pressure is not noticeably different post being on beta blockers. It's higher than it was pre surgery though. In cardiac rehab, the effect of not being on beta blockers is that my heart rate goes up higher quicker with exercise, but that is actually more natural and the cardiac nurse just changed my target rates to be higher.