Best Actor Nominee

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
In recent years Cindy have seen several films that weren't mainstream, but usually far superior to those that are. One of those films is "The Visitor" about a professor who befriends two illegal immigrants, albeit not of his planning. The film offers a fair rendering of the reality these people are faced with. I'm not an illegal immigration advocate, but still loved the movie.

My main point is that I was surprised, but pleasantly so, to see that Richard Jenkins was nominated for best actor for his portrayal of the professor in this film. He undoubtedly won't win, but his is one of the few very deserving performances I've seen in recent years.

Don't considering renting this movie if your taste is for fast-paced action movies. I'm not sure how easy it would be to find anyway.
I want to see it also. Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima were awesome. It's rare for us Americans to see the strugle from our enemies point of view, and he nailed it in Letters. The book Flags of our Fathers is a pretty good read also. There are very few actors that could be labled best actor of our time, and Clint Eastwood could be in the running for it.
also loved the Visitor

also loved the Visitor

Netflix has "The Visitor". We rented it because it was shown on a flight, but the sound is so awful we don't usually pay tune in to the in-flight movies. (The opposite direction was "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day", so it was a first, two decent films on one flight!
I thought Gran Torino was strong, but a little contrived. A very good performance by Clint Eastwood sort of saved it from being snoozer, IMHO.
Thanks for the recommendation, Wise. I'll keep my eye out for it so I can see for myself what all the buzz is about.:)