Baffled --- Having heart-to-heart w/cardio

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
As you may know, I was told a year ago that my 32-yr old Mitral mechanical valve was going south. I was even shoved out the door by my local cardiologist & sent to Houston in June/2007 to have the surgery done but once there, I refused to have the operation basically, I "chickened" out! :eek: This would have been my 4th OHS.

So the doctors put me on a higher dose of Lasix, from 40mg per day to 160mg a day to be taken along w/all my other meds. The cardio here has monitored me very closely, doing an ECHO every six months & seeing me every 2 or 3 months. And considering all, I have been doing okay & I am still able to do the normal things around the house; still able to go out, do my shopping, go out to dinner, etc. I cannot however, do any strenous exercising or other strenous chores & I've been very careful w/that & have followed my doctor's orders!

Well, right before Bill & I left for our vacation a few weeks ago, I had to go get a folder from my cardiologist that he wanted me to take w/me in case something were to happen while on vacation. While there, I just said, "maybe when we come back from our trip, we can talk about doing that 4th OHS" to which he replied, "honey, the doctors don't want to operate on you!" I was dumfounded! I just said, "so, what will I do?" And he just looked at me & kind of shrugged his shoulders & said, "we'll see!"

So today, I have to go get the results on an ECHO he did in his office last Monday & I plan to talk to him in depth about this. Also, when his tech was doing the ECHO, she kept grimacing & shaking her head. I didn't say anything but it left me worried & wondering if things haven't gotten worse!

Anyway, just thought I'd run that by you all. I will let you know what he says to me today. Thanks for listening! :)
Good luck!

Good luck!

Let us know what is going on, thanks for the update and keep us up to date! Grimicing and shaking head of the tech doesnt sound good, but at least you are talking to the cardio soon and then you will know what is going on. No point guessing at this point when you will soon have some answers, hopefully!
Good luck!
As you may know, I was told a year ago that my 32-yr old Mitral mechanical valve was going south. I was even shoved out the door by my local cardiologist & sent to Houston in June/2007 to have the surgery done but once there, I refused to have the operation basically, I "chickened" out! :eek: This would have been my 4th OHS.

So the doctors put me on a higher dose of Lasix, from 40mg per day to 160mg a day to be taken along w/all my other meds. The cardio here has monitored me very closely, doing an ECHO every six months & seeing me every 2 or 3 months. And considering all, I have been doing okay & I am still able to do the normal things around the house; still able to go out, do my shopping, go out to dinner, etc. I cannot however, do any strenous exercising or other strenous chores & I've been very careful w/that & have followed my doctor's orders!

Well, right before Bill & I left for our vacation a few weeks ago, I had to go get a folder from my cardiologist that he wanted me to take w/me in case something were to happen while on vacation. While there, I just said, "maybe when we come back from our trip, we can talk about doing that 4th OHS" to which he replied, "honey, the doctors don't want to operate on you!" I was dumfounded! I just said, "so, what will I do?" And he just looked at me & kind of shrugged his shoulders & said, "we'll see!"

So today, I have to go get the results on an ECHO he did in his office last Monday & I plan to talk to him in depth about this. Also, when his tech was doing the ECHO, she kept grimacing & shaking her head. I didn't say anything but it left me worried & wondering if things haven't gotten worse!

Anyway, just thought I'd run that by you all. I will let you know what he says to me today. Thanks for listening! :)

Norma....I don't know what to say ecept you are in my prayers.....keep us posted.......(((((hug))))))....tom
Wow, doesn't seem to me your cardio should have made that kind of comment -- at least not without fully explaining himself.

Certainly will be keeping you in my prayers, Norma. Please keep us posted.
Having a fourth heart surgery is very serious stuff. The risk to benefit ratio comes into play heavily at this point. Please let us know what your card. has to say after your appt.
I subscribed to this thread but apparently followup posts still aren't coming up in my User Control Panel so I'll post the same thoughts: Hoping you get good news and please keep us posted :) .
First of all, the doctor needs to know his echo tech is not being professional. You never know, maybe she was grimacing because she was having a hard time getting views. But the faces are a bad thing for the person that is getting the echo to see.

Remember Nancy's motto: Never give in and never give up. If you feel your doctor doesn't have good news, or acceptable news, get 2nd opinions. Both Cleveland and Mayo will do opinions when records are sent.

You're in my prayers Norma.
Hi Norma,
I agree totally with Superbob. Cardio dr should'nt of said anything until he could
explain to you in detail what's going on and the next step to take.
I'm like you I would be worried. Norma, you know you are in God's hands so try not to worry to much.
Keep us posted and you will be in my thoughts and prayers till we hear from you.
Norma, the minute I read your post I stopped right there and said a heartfelt prayer for you. The feeling I got have been through a lot but you are strong willed and with help from whoever is watching over you (not in this world) you WILL get through this. God Bless. (((((HUGS))))))
Sounds like the old "Benefit vs. Risk Dance" to me.
It's often played prior to repeat surgeries, especially after #2.

Try not to think too much about it on your vacation.

Many Cardio's (and even surgeons) will tell you that as long as you are "feeling OK" and able to do most of the things you need to do with moderate exertion, just
Keep On Keepin' On.

ENJOY your vacation!

You can discuss options when you return.

Best Wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
Norma, I will be anxious to hear what the cardio has to say and I agree that a second opinion from Mayo or Cleveland can't hurt. You are in my prayers.
Sorry to hear you are going through this. I'm sure the suspense has been terrible. Hopefully you'll get the information you need today. My thoughts are with you.
Norma, I wish you all the best today and when i did my 2 echo's
gestures and comments were made,the'y be better off to keep it silenced.
added a prayer for you also.


First of all, if you decide you do want the surgery, there is somebody, somewhere, who will do it. Secondly, there are heart surgeons in Houston who are as expert as anybody anywhere. Two of the most renowned heart centers in the world are there, Texas Heart Institute and the Debakey Center. I am 100% certain that you can find an expert surgeon in Texas to do this, if you decide you do want the operation. You will just need to have more information about what is going on, so you can decide. I'm sorry for the situation, and Im sorry you are being kept in suspense.

I'm so sorry you are going through this, Norma, and agree with everything Oaktree says.

The echo tech could have had indigestion and the grimaces were unrelated to your echo. I know.....probably not the case but techs are not MD"s and should not be giving any indication about what they are seeing.

Relax as much as you can and enjoy your vacation.
Sounds like you have a good relationship with your cardio and when you meet with him, hopefully your questions will be suitably answered.
Also, when his tech was doing the ECHO, she kept grimacing & shaking her head. :)

Mebbe she jest had gas (BURP o' OOOOPS)!!!!!!:eek::p:D

Bubba :)

Hush up Bubba. I hope you get the answers you deserve today. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way.

I had an Echo Tech say to me while doing a gallbladder scan, "are they doing anything about the fluid around your lung?":eek::eek: When I said it was the first I heard of it she got real quiet and didn't even make small talk the rest of the exam. At least it revealed what my problem was.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Joe had an echo tech, actually the best one he ever had who was so intent on her work that she hardly knew anyone was in the room. He was a very difficult echo subject because he had so much scar tissue and his old valve was so big that most of the time they could not get a clear picture of his valves. She made all kinds of faces, and they were all related to how hard she was trying to view his valves, and she also made some comments, but they were mostly that she was talking to herself because she was such a perfectionist and wanted to get everything just so. She also took way longer than anyone else.

We finally learned to insist on getting her to do the echo, since she was the most competent.

I think the faces your tech was making were probably related to her own work rather than your situation.
I hope you get some answers soon and she could take lessons from my tech. She talks about her baby, the weather, the last holiday but no expressions about what she's doing and no comments either.
Again good luck and you're in my prayers
Well, I'm back ...........

Well, I'm back ...........

First of all, thank you so much for your concerns --- you guys are tops! :)

After waiting for about an hour to see my cardio, along w/seven other patients, his receptionist came in & told everyone he had been called on an emergency & everyone was re-scheduled. So I'm scheduled again to see him next Monday for the results. I guess someone sicker than I needed him more so, I'll just wait one more week! :(

And yes, perhaps like Nancy & some of you said, could have been the tech was having a hard time getting a good reading --- I know because that's happened before, not w/this tech but with others. I also have a lot of scar tissue that probably obstructs their views.

So, I'm putting it aside for now; got a lot of things to do this week so I'm not going to dwell on it.

I'll keep you guys posted on things....... thanks again so much! :)
It could well be the techie was having problems with your echo.

I always let them know about the Dacron plumbing I've got in, early in the scan. They are usually appreciative as collegues of theirs have struggled in the past. It seems that scaring and Dacron cause echos of the echos and make it awkward to get some accurate readings.

Talking knowledgeably with techies about surgery and showing calm regarding my condition, tends to make them talkative and revealing. So it's usual to know scan results before the cardio does. ;)
Ah, the waiting game- it can be so hard. Try to put aside and just enjoy the week!