Bad Mad aka Kevin

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Well-known member
May 29, 2002
Sarasota, Fl
Hello all,

I received the following letter from Maria (Kevin's finance) about his surgery The two came for a visit when they were in Florida. I am very happy to see he did well!

Hi Karen,

How are you?

Just to let you know that Kevins operation went very well and the surgeon is very pleased with him and his progress.
He got the ATS valve and didn?t need the root replacement.

He woke up last night, but , drifted in and out of sleep. When he was awake he was very aware of everything, asking me what valve they used etc. He even sang me a few lines of "dreaming of a white christmas"!!!! And of course asked was there "any chance of a beer"

I rang the hospital this morning and they said that he had a good night and was very comfortable, he was sitting up in the bed and was very alert! I will be going over later today and will send you another email if I have anymore of an update.

I hope you and your family are keeping well and looking forward to a lovely christmas.

Maybe you would post an update on the forum if you get a chance?

Email you soon
Maria x
Most Excellent news

Most Excellent news

Glad to hear of his good progress and Godspeed during recovery
Thanks Karen for passing along Kevin's update.
It's great to hear that he is doing so well.
If you have the opportunity, please extend our well wishes for a quick, painless recovery.:)
So great to hear this update. Thanks for posting and please send along our hugs and prayers.
Thanks so much for passing on Kevin's update and please extend our best wishes for an uneventful recovery- looks like he is well on his way!
more kevin....

more kevin....

Hi Karen

well all is good with Kevin, he is even getting out of ICU today/tomorrow at the latest and back to the ward.
He was very sore (as im sure you will remember) last night, and was finding coughing very difficult.

The camera crew haven't left us alone - it is not easy being famous!!! ha ha ... it will be nice for Kevin to see later on down the line though!

I told him you were asking about him, and told him of the lovely messages that appeared on the board and it certainly brought a smile to his face!

Tony doesn't seem so scary when he is a million miles away, so give him a pet from me.

Take Care Karen, - maybe the next update will be a joint effort from both Kevin and myself.


THis is latest post from Maria.....
As some of you may know they are filming Kevins surgery and follow up for a documentary with the BBC....Hope we all get to see it someday.

BTW Tony is my 7 lb dachshund that Maria was deathly afraid of when they were he....of course he knew it and went after her like a wild thing :eek:
Just this moment stopped in to see how things are. This sounds really good and that he will be up and around in no time. Tell him DON'T SNEEZE for a couple months. He already has experienced the cough pain so he needs to stop a sneeze. O/W he might need to be scraped off the ceiling. Keep on getting better every day, Kevin. Good thoughts going your way.
Sounds like things are right on track- thanks for the update and we look forward to the BBC documentary.
Well done

Well done

Congratulations Kevin! I hope each day gets easier for you and you are able to post your updates. We get first dibs on advance showing of the documentary right?;)
Thanks Maria and Karen for the update...

Thanks Maria and Karen for the update...

Glad things are going really well for him but sorry to hear about the coughing difficulty. And that made me wonder... do you know, Karen, if Kevin's doctors use incentive spirometers there? I was told to use one four years ago and 28 years ago also. But I have read on this site that some doctors don't like them. I think the spirometer exercises were extremely beneficial for me.
good to hear he is doing well - just tell him the beer would taste awful - I am sure he is not enjoying food yet, it's been 3 months for me and somethimes some things still taste awful.
This is good news . . . but I bet it is hard with a camera crew filming.:eek:
I hope we get to see it!;) :p