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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
I haven't been on for a very long time. Life is hecktic around here right now, Kevin is on a ship now, so he's not home very often. He's on what is known to be the "most underway destroyer in the pacific fleet" I've gotten used to it and hang out with my friends alot. Anyways, I had my annual heart check up with my regular cardiologist, and for those of you who read the last post, I had been taken off all meds...including coumadin. I changed doctors because I did not like the idea of just being yanked off everything. Dr. Stewart didn't like that, and put me right back on them, and like I said, I changed my PCM. Bad news is, my aortic and my mitral valve both have moderate leakage, and my aortic valve has a new murmur. I didn't know this before, but RHD progresses and was still affecting my heart even after I had my mitral valve replaced. I was really upset about this when I found out about it, but I am ok with it now. I have check ups every 6 months now. Anyways, I just thought I would update you all on what has been happening!
Good to hear from you, Joy..Bet the boys are really growing..How old are they now..Are you working..Know, you must miss long is he gone?..Hope eveything works out with you..Heart-wise..bonnie
I'm glad to read your update Joy, but wish you were updating with better news. :eek:
I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing and where your husband was.

What was the doctor's reason for taking you off all meds? I'm glad you sought out another doctor.

You have a tissue in the mitral position - correct? Were you on Coumadin for A-fib or other issues related to RHD? Or is it a mechanical and the doctor went nuts???

Let's hope that the moderate leakage maintains for quite a long time.

Best wishes!
Well, hey, Child. It's always good to hear from you but I am sorry that you are in some trouble. Can't imagine that dr taking you off everything and glad that your new one took a better step towards keeping you stable.

The children are how old now? We have lost track.
Hey Joy,

Good to see you posting again! I, too, wondered about you earlier this week :).

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Tell me tomorrow will be brighter" ... KT Oslin ... 'Hold Me'
Hey, thanks for the replys! I have actually been feeling OK about being watched. I feel more confident with the doctors I have now. I've had kind of a rough year with medical issues, not just for me, but with the kids and with Kevin as well. Ian has had two ear surgeries, his latest being an ear drum replacement. He is such a strong kid, and a great fighter too! Erik is going to be having his tonsils out due to continuous strep throat(and I definately don't want him going through RF!) for over a month regardless of what antibiotic we've used for it. Not sure if I told you or not but Kevin had severe Psoriasis, so he went on Embrel for a couple of months, and he ended up getting Pneumonia from it, and the doc on the ship said he was making his cough up, so I got involved and he got treated, the bad thing was, it took so long for him to get treated, he now has athsma. Anyways, aside from that, it's been pretty good here, Ian is in the 3rd grade, and Erik is in the 1st grade, they are great kids!