Back after many months...incision...anyone else have problems with yours?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
Sterling, VA
Hi everybody, Carol here. I had my surgery 5 April 11. I use to write here back then. Anyway, I want to know if anyone else has problems with their incision after 7 months? My cardo referred me to dermatology because my incision is purple, itchy and looks and feels like rope.

I go tomorrow at noon so I don't know exactly what the doctor's are going to do. Any information would help.

Thanks Carol
It sounds like your incision may be going keloid. You can do a search here on VR for: keloid scar,
or do a search on google-images and you will find many pics.
Good Luck with this.
Yep! Thats what happened to mine. It got kinda thick (about a quarter inch in places) and puffy. I have a Keyloid. My dermatologist gave it a couple shots here and there and it has laid down real nice. Im almost a year out and its starting to get flesh colored. Hang in there, it will get better.
Thanks for the info. I got the first of the shots in my incision two weeks ago....WOW...DID IT HURT!!! Anyway, I go back in two more weeks to get a second set of shots, they also gave me a scrip for PurTect to rub into my scar. It looks a TINY bit better...I know...give it time...-:)

I'm living with my keloid. I have a superb dermatologist (saved my life by diagnosing and excising a malignant melanona before it spread). He did not make much out of the fact that the bottom half of my scar is like yours - swollen, red, itchy. He just said it's the way some people react. He did not offer steroid injections but said he would do it if I wanted when I asked about them. Some here have had good results - others have not. He told me to try some keloid creams. I did - nothing notable happened. This part of the scar varies. It's defintely less swollen and itchy after a night's sleep and then gets more irritated by the end of the day. It's not pretty, but I'm going to live with it. I had another raised, itchy scar from a bicycle crash many years ago. It eventually all but disappeared, but that took 10-20 years.