AVR Surgery Scheduled for Nov 28/12

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2012
Red Deer, Alberta ,Canada
Well after a call to the hospital Monday, after waiting from Sept 21/12, to let them know I wasn't happy about the wait time seeing as I had such horrible symptoms in Oct and still unable to carry out normal activities due to some arrhythmia, someone went to bat for me, thank god. I was called yesterday morning by the surgeons secretary that I will do the pre op with the surgeon next Tuesday morning and get to the surgery the next morning,Nov 28/12.

I also had been inquiring about the use of the On-X valve and graph in the Edmonton hospital with the ON-X rep Via e-mail. I was told the Edmonton has done 41 ON-X valve install to date this year! Not sure about attachment of the graphs tho. ON-X confirmed that they will have the equipment and a rep available for a implantation if that is the direction we choose to go for next Wednesday. I feel my meeting with the surgeon on Tuesday will be the deciding factor. I know my next option will be the St Jude's regent the c/w the graft attached already. I hope that he has experience with this installation of the ON-X equipment because I prefer to go that way. But either valve is life saving to me. My surgeon had practiced 2 years down south at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota before returning to Edmonton 4 years ago. I hoping he had done the On-X and graph procedure down south. We will make this decision on Tuesday together.

Needless to say a little anxiety has crept back in my life. But I'm sure glad I found VR.org to help with understanding what it is I will go thru next week. I need to be real strong for my wife and two sons to assure them that this is all going to be fine.

Once again thanks to all the members for their experience, strength and hope. This has made my walk much easier so far.

Doug :smile2:
Hey Doug... only 2 more sleeps until New Valve day!

My heartfelt best wishes, buddy ... you're in my thoughts and prayers.

You and I will have to compare recovery times after... maybe meet at Parkland Mall and join in the Old Folks walk (shuffle) some morning!

I'll also be thinking of you this Wednesday!!! So glad to hear that someone was looking out for you!

Hard not to be anxious, but TRY to relax. (I know, so much easier said than done - I've been there, I know)!!!!

You'll be fine,
Good luck Doug, I will be thinking about you on the 28th. They will take good care of you! See you on the other side of the mountain.
So far so good, had a little trouble after surgery for about 20 hour, tried to cardio vert twice, but would work. They got it with meds, so after first day I'm getting some rest now. My hemoglobin is down to, so still dizzy for a good walk. They want to stay away from transfusion, they say a young guy can build it back up. Oh we'll glad to be on the other side now.
Good to here your through the worst. Did anyone bring you a timmies coffee yet? Hope the rest of your recovery goes well and you get home soon.
Doug, I'm really happy to hear from you, with you making sense and everything!

As Dick said, you're a 'veteran' now... I can't wait to join you at that level! (Freakin' rookies...) :)

Glad things are looking up... keep posting, so I know what to expect!
also wish to express that its good to hear another positive result.

Now, don't over do the rehab, stick to plans and keep making small steps forward

Best wishes
Well just another update, I'm still in the hospital as we speak, only started waking yesterday because of the anemia and the surgeon wanting to see if my hemoglobin would rise on its own before using any units of blood. So I think the 12 hrs I lost out of surgery with that dam Afib and the 48 hrs waiting to figure out the hemoglobin, going forward I spoke with the surgeon this morning, we just did our chest CT and will get an ECG to ensure no fluid around heart. If all goes well I could be hobbling home in a day or two. Cross my fingers. I can hear my Rolex when really quit, so not worried about a noisy valve.

Thanks to all you good folks comment and prayers that were here for me that gave me the courage to go forward. And I know this journey is just starting.

Well, little by little, step by step Oilman you will get stronger and better. I am glad you made it over the mountain. Keep faith and just remember, rest, eat, sleep, walk. Then repeat, repeat, repeat. :biggrin2:
So happy to hear that you are turning that corner and may go home in a day or so. My surgery is not scheduled till Jan7th, getting more and more anixous. Will be following your progress so do post when you feel up to it. take care and congrats to getting to the other side of the mountain!! lol God Bless!