Australia Day 26th January

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I wish you all a very happy Australia Day and a warm and sunny one in which to celebrate. Have fun.
Happy Australia Day. Dick has been enjoying the Australian Open (tennis) on TV every day.
Australia Day celebrates the anniversary of the first British fleet landing in Port Jackson on the 26th january 1788 and Australia becoming part of the British sovereignty. In contrast the 4th of july celebrates America becoming an independant country from Great Britain in 1776.

Yes please Ross, I've just got home from the first of 3 bbq's to celebrate Australia Day....any excuse for a party I say

Happy Australia Day -- are you eating shrimp? Oh it's lovely to think of being outside in warm weather having a party. Enjoy yourselves!
Happy Australia Day to my Fellow Aussies !!

In Melbourne today we are expecting 28C, with 38C tomorrow and 40C Thursday!! Lovely hot weather!!

Melbourne has Australia Day celebrations by the Yarra River which includes a big duck race where you buy a plastic bath duck and they are raced down the river for charity :D

We are heading in to the city for the celebrations and to have a BBQ :)
Happy Australia Day to all too!
We having a gorgeous hot day and celebrating with family by having a good ol' traditional BBQ...cheers all!
Having a very laid back day - although I'm thoroughly over the tennis and the cricket!! Also getting a bit jack of the heat... it's not too bad today (perfect BBQ weather :) ), but after a brief reprieve, we're in for another week of 100-105F days - YIKES!!!!

Anyhoo, the other half is enjoying a cold beer and a day off work :D

Hope all my fellow Aussies are also enjoying the day!

A : )