At This Time Last Year...

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
...I was unable to thank Dr. Paul Stelzer for the work he was doing inside my chest cavity, so I called him to do so today, exactly 365 days post op.

I just wanted to pop in share the celebration with everyone, and to thank each of you for all you've done to make my road to, through, and past surgery so remarkable.

I especially want to thank Marguerite, Sylvia, and Noel and his wonderful wife, each of whom called my mom and spoke with her at length during the weeks leading up to my surgery. You can't imagine how these conversations set her mind at ease. (Not that it was TOO much at ease, she still called Sylvia while I was still in surgery all upset and in tears because they didn't wheel me out *exactly* on time!)

Day before yesterday I ran 4 miles. The day before my surgery I couldn't walk 4 blocks without stopping to catch my breath.

Thank you to Dr. Stelzer, to my wife Noni, whose healed me with her kindness, an to everyone on this board, and, above all, to God.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
Such an encouraging and positive update--very nice. Thanks!

Glad to see your post; and very happy that things are going so well for you. Take care.
Stretch....congratulations on one year!!! Sounds like things are going great. These reports are always good for those in the waiting room. Have a Merry Christmas!!!
We share your joy Stretch!

We share your joy Stretch!

Yes, this time last year we had ours behind us and you were just heading in for the "stretch", no pun intended. :) It is so good to hear you are also doing well. Noel is doing wonderful too....he hears the results of his last echo on December 27 but we expect nothing out of the ordinary. So Congratulations Stretch...and if we did anything to help your mom, it was our pleasure...we hope she is doing well also.
For those of you in the waiting room, we wish you the same wonderful results. Just find yourself a great doctor and it will happen!
Yeah for Dr. Stelzer!!

Yeah for Dr. Stelzer!!


Just wanted to let you know even though you and Doug were unable to connect the other night, we already spoke with Dr. S and are sending our records this week.
He will be our first choice on the Ross and Dr. Ryan is our second....
Your website was a huge help and in conjunction with his online webcast of the Ross procedure, helped to confirm our interest in him as a surgeon and a very compassionate human being!
We hope that Doug has as smooth a surgery and recovery as you did; CELEBRATE!!! 1 year ago and a new heartlife ahead of you!
Are you aware Dr. S. moved to Mount Sinai in NYC?

Heart Hugs,
Heather Ann - wife to CHDDoug
Congratulations, Stretch and thanks for such an uplifting post. Your input has helped so many who are going with a Ross and we look forward to hearing from you when you have time.
Congratulations! That's a wonderful idea to call your surgeon and thank him -- I wish I had thought of that. I still carry a debt of gratitude for the guy who cut me open, and then put me back together.
Wow, that year went by fast!! Congratulations!!

I hope your mother is well. What a lovely, sweet person!!

Your contributions to our heart community are laudable, so thanks go back to you for putting your experience into a form that is both educational and inspirational.

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season.


Good to see you, Stretch. We don't see you a lot but your name pops up more than you'd expect.

Glad all is so well with you. Sounds like you have picked up and run with the ball.

Your post will be an inspiration for those coming in. We will refer them to it. Blessins.........
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary....may you celebrate many. many more
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. It seems like just yesterday I was reading your posts leading up to your surgery. This was during the time I found out I was going to have surgery and found this website. You have always had such a positive outlook and I appreciate the hope you gave me for my successful outcome.

Thanks, Stretch!

Good to see you post!

And, of course, CONGRATULATIONS on your 1-year anniversary!

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"It goes so fast" ... Jodee Messina ... 'Was That My Life?'
Thanks for the Kind Words, All...

Thanks for the Kind Words, All...

It's good to visit again! You people are the greatest.

If anyone's bored, take a look at the work my Boy Scout Troop's doing, on the Woodwork Merit Badge. These kids are awesome:

Doug, yes, I was aware about Dr. S's move. I believe it happened last Spring sometime, if I'm not mistaken.

I left a VM for you at work and on your cell.

Give me a call to chat any time you like.

Congratulations on your one year anniversary and thanks so much for sharing your inspiring story of success! I am fairly new to this site and having surgery in January for a congenitally bicuspid aortic valve myself so your story is certainly encouraging! Take care and Happy Holidays!
Congrats on the one year mile marker! Sad thing is, now the years are still going to fly right by. :D
Congratulations great news and happy valve anniversary, wishing you many more to come
As tears run down my cheeks

As tears run down my cheeks

All I can say is WOW!. Until this point I have not had the guts to watch a video or look at pic.s of Open Heart Surgery. Your photo-journal was a very humbling experience for me. I know for myself that I sort of take OHS for granted and is a routine procedure, but your pictures have given me a greater appreciation for what the surgeons are really doing. It is truly a miracle what these folks can do. It is still hard to fathom the complexity of such an operation, yet it goes on every day around the world, and many of us (myself anyway), take it for granted. OHS is truly a miracle. Thank you for opening my eyes even more. We as patients and valve recipients are truly blessed. Praise the Lord. God bless our surgeons.