at last - some good news!!

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2008
UK, Derbyshire
Hi everyone, just wanted to post some good news! I've been freelance writing as kind of a hobby for years and now - just at a time when I was getting frantic about money given that I can't return to my normal job - I've been offered a job writing about events on this year's Big Brother UK for the MSN UK site and possibly the official Big Brother site!

It's initially to cover the regular writer while she's on maternity leave, but the general opinion is that she's unlikely to return as early as she thinks she can, so if she doesn't, I get the job for the entire season.

It's well paid and possibly the best bit is the editor has other projects in mind for me too, so it may be the open door that I need! So, I get to watch tv all day, write about it and get paid for it! :D

If you fancy visiting and want to join me as a friend, you'll be updated when the job starts officially in the first week of June... don't feel obliged to though :eek:

Hope everyone else is doing ok - talk to you all soon
Looks like great fun!...I too am sadly addicted to BB...the Aussi 2008 one has just begun... I must go check your website out now!
Wow, WTG Lynn.....I'm happy for you!!! I love the Big Brother show (not sure why though as i always want the nicest person to win and they're usually voted off immediately).
Thank you all soooooooooooooo much for your messages :D Ross, I'd gladly marry you if I wasn't already and Freddie, you can have my autograph anytime :cool: And everyone who love BB, try to tune in to the British one - it's epic!

Thanks a lot everyone - it's really kind of you all to be so pleased for me :D

Lynn xx
Hi Lynn, Im very happy for you AND about the decreased pulm. htn.
Last week I was tackling the stairs like a champ and now ,forget it.
But since I know that I did it once , I can do it again!
Wishing You the Best, D
Oh no Lynn. :eek: How can someone as bright as you be comfortable with dumbing down the nation? :( The programme spawning Jade Goody has sooooooooooooo much to answer for. :p :D
Dina, thank you and I hope you start feeling better very soon and Bonzo, thank you for the compliment :D I've always liked Big Brother I have to say but I'm going to like it even more while I'm being paid to watch it :D