Article about yoga and heart health

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halleyg Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Just wanted to share this article... I've completed the first level of yoga instructor training, so going to be able to start teaching as soon as my back heals; coming along nicely, although I'm very impatient! I'm really interested in yoga practice for heart patients, since it was such an important part of my recovery.

Take care everyone :)
Thanks for the article, Halley! I can't wait to be 'well enough' so that I can start yoga again. This article re-enforces one of its many benefits.
Hoping that back of yours gets better really soon.

All the best,
Thanks, I hope you are feeling well! Good thing about yoga, you can start working it in slowly, first just breathing exercises, then moving on to angels breaths, just whatever feels comfortable as you recover. You'll be back in class before you know it!
Us old heart crocks get a short session of yoga thrown in weekly at the end of our Wednesday cardio rehab workouts. Mainly breathing and body awareness. Seems to calm one down a bit. Halley, a pro like you will probably have to chuckle when you see this bunch of grizzly old men trying to look serene!
Hi Halley,

Hope the back heals quickly. I know it's hard to be patient, especially if you are active! Good luck with your yoga classes!
Congratulations on completing your first level Halley and becoming an instructor. Dont rush into things with that bad back though, but keep posting updates because your Avitar picture is Gorrrrrrrrrgeous !
Thanks for the article, and congratulations on becoming an instructor! I've had a few yoga classes, and every instructor was a wonderful person.
"Dont rush into things with that bad back..." says the man who cycled across France with an injured knee! Ha! And THANKS. ;)

Thanks Kathy, Eva and Debby, too, and Johan I think it's awesome you guys are doing yoga in rehab! I am wanting to have it added here, I spoke with my cardio about it and he thought it was a great idea and he is head of the rehab program at the hospital where I did mine.
That is wonderful, Halley! Good for you and I'm sure you'll be able to really help any heart patients or anyone recovering from a challenge with your real-life experience. Let me know when/where you start teaching. Maybe I can take one of your classes.
I'm trying to dedicate myself to a more consistent routine, and I've adapted the stretching and deep breathing into my routine. The stretching helps quite a bit. I wish I had someone to teach me.. Good luck to you Halley.
That's great, Harry! If you go on YouTube there are a couple of good channels with yoga instruction. One is Yogatic and the other one is FreeYogaVideos. The lady in Yogatic is really good at explaining each pose, and she has clips on there such as "yoga for runners," breathing exercises, etc. You can always ask me if you have any questions and I'll try to help.