Aortic coarctation

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2009
Houston TX
Anyone also diagnosed with aortic coarctation? Cardio doc wasn't surprised to find it.

Hello Tass... I have coarctation of the aorta that has been repaired in infancy and now have recoarctation that is as yet not severe enough for intervention. Coarctation and bicuspid valve can go hand in hand and vary in severity... Good luck !
Hi 'chicken'!

I got the impression from the doc that it isn't something to worry about. In your experience, if there's not been a problem until now, not likely to worsen? This is something i've not found any real useful info about online.

I had a couple that they corrected during the surgery I had in 1968, it lead to the replacement of my ascending aorta during my last surgery. So I guess they can cause issue if they are tight enough.

I have one on my descending aorta right now post op and have been told that it could be stabilized with a stent if it becomes an issue.

I had surgery for coarctation of the aorta as a 10-year old. My cardio said it is often found in tandem with a hole in the heart and aortic valve problems.

When I was 50...the valve was replaced and the small (and undetected) hole in the heart was repaired. The surgeon said the coarc repair was still in good shape.

It sounds like the three issues are often found together to one degree or another. I would guess some people would never require surgery...whereas others might end up with multiple surgeries.
Hello Tass...did not mean to alarm you in any way !! If you doctor seems unconcerned that should be good ? If you look up AHA coarctation of the aorta, on the web , they have a good informative breakdown about it. My coarc was quite severe in childhood, therefore the proceedure then was to cut out the narrowing , end to end anasstamosis repair I think.. nowadays I think the advancement in medicine means that stents can be used to balloon open the narrowing, via the groin , but don,t quote me !! My coarc is followed because the scar tissue and recoarc means they need to monitor it and I understand in the future they would use a stent ? Hope this is helpful... good luck with everything , I always like to chat to fellow coarc people !! All the best "chicken !!"