Anyone want to offer advise on purchase of a compact digital camera?

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
SW Michigan
I currently own a Canon Powershot S100. It's an early 2.1 megapixel camera that has served well, but its 2x optical zoom is just not nearly enough to be taking pix from the bleachers of kids in the marching band or waterskiers behind the boat. Also, it may have some kind of electrical problem because the rechargeable batteries die after 2-4 pictures--even all of several brand new batteries.

My Question: Which is more effective in terms of getting a good, crisp close-up in the above situations: a more powerful optical zoom or a more resolute (higher megapixels) picture? Am I better off with a 4x optical zoom and 7 megapixels or a 5x optical zoom and 5 megapixels?

Any insights would be appreciated!
I am not an expert but I do know that a 5 megapixel camera will give you very clear shots. If close-ups are more important than a little more clarity (clarity you would probably not notice much anyway), I would go with the second choice.

Right now I am working with a 3 megapixel and love the quality of the pictures so I think the 5 would be heaven.
We have an old (2 years - that's old in "technology years") Canon S70 2.0 megapixel as well. I suspect that you'd be happy with either the 7/4x or 5/5x, but suggest that you look into some other features.
Our next camera will have/be (in an ideal world):
Small - pocket size.
Big display.
6 megapixels
Standard battery (eg. AA) easy to carry cheap spares.
Easy to use in standard mode.
I bought an Olympus FE100 4mp and I love this thing. The only thing I hate is the LCD screen is too small, but it takes killer pictures.
I have a 3mp camera that's three years old and I'm still constantly astounded by the picture quality on my 17" LCD screen. I can't imagine that there would be a noticable difference between 7mp and 5mp, so I would probably buy the 5mp and get the better zoom capabilities.

Just my opinion. :)
Thanks for your input folks!

Thanks for your input folks!

Geebee: I'm sure you're right that I wouldn't notice the difference between 5 and 7 mp--I think I read somewhere that the human eye can only see at the resolution of 6mp.

Tommy: Is your 6 spec because of that human eye thing? I'm with you on all the others too. I've had it with the fancy, expensive batteries!

To clarify a little:

What I'm wondering is, since 4x zoom will still be a fairly distant shot, will a 7mp camera allow me to blow up and crop to compensate for what's lacking in zoom? Or will the 5x bring me enough closer that the 5mp lesser blow-up will be more clear? Or is it a wash? (I know this is a fairly technical question that maybe can't be answered, and I may just have to punt!:D )
tommy said:
We have an old (2 years - that's old in "technology years") Canon S70 2.0 megapixel as well. I suspect that you'd be happy with either the 7/4x or 5/5x, but suggest that you look into some other features.
Our next camera will have/be (in an ideal world):
Small - pocket size.
Big display.
6 megapixels
Standard battery (eg. AA) easy to carry cheap spares.
Easy to use in standard mode.

This sounds like the camera Justin bought last week, even uses AA batteries, he hasn't used it alot but so far is pretty happy with it. I have a 5 MP kodak and his screen is alot bigger than mine
we went with lower megapixels and a higher optical zoom. I prefer the higher optical zoom so we can get close on distant pictures. In fact this spring my daughter took an awesome picture of a tiny violet in the grass. All with our relatively cheap digital camera with 2 or 3 megapixels but a good zoom. We have an Olympus but it is old so I am sure the models are different now. We got ours to take castle pictures when we lived in Europe.
Hello there! Contact Stretch!

Hello there! Contact Stretch!

I saw the post, I believe the higher mega pix is the better choice because it allows you to blow up the smallest portion of a pic without distorting BUT, The person to ask is another member "StretchL" In my opinion, he is a master photographer.................J :p :)
Another opinion

Another opinion

I have used a Canon PowerShot G5 for all the pictures I have posted. I would want all of the mega-pixels I could get. It is a great help if you have a part of the photo you want to blow-up. But actually, I don't have a clue what makes a camera good. I told a person I trusted what I had to spend (not much) and bought the Canon.
I Went Ahead and Bought One!

I Went Ahead and Bought One!

I got the Canon PowerShot Pro Series S3 IS 6MP with 12x optical Image Stabilized Zoom. I liked the idea of the high (7MP) of the A620 I was considering, but my SIL (who has similar) said she would go for the image stabilization and the higher zoom of the S2 (5MP, 12x), then I found the S3 with 6MP and 12x plus wide angle for $45 more, which seemed like the best of both worlds and then some. I don't buy cameras very often, so I decided to stave of obsolescence for as long as possible without breaking the bank. I can't wait to take pix of my son's first marching band competition on Saturday.

Jay, I was really hoping Stretch would weigh in but, well, I still wouldn't mind his tossing in a thought or two...

Dennis, I was hoping to hear from you too. Thanks!:)

A sample image (at about 1 mile): if you like research (Yeah, I know here I go with that research thing again...:D ).

He writes very technical reviews and civilian summaries.

I personally like the Sony cameras - great battery life (outlast any others that I have seen) great picture quality (white balance, focus, sharpness, depth of field), great color balance, Carl Zeiss lens.

Unless you are going Huge with your pics - I don't think you will ever need the 7mp. It also makes the image files much larger so you will need a bigger memory card or be satisfied with fewer pics per card.
Well, hot-damn David! Thanks for the review website...I'd say your guy likes my new camera just fine!:) BTW, the more research the better, if you ask me!
Great Pictures

Great Pictures

If this is not to forward, I would love to know what a camera like that costs. (Because after seeing those pictures, I really, really want one!). BTW, I still say go for the MP. Memory card capacities are huge these days, and cheap. Great pictures! Man, I really want that camera.
Dennis, I paid $345. Then another ~$75 for 1-hour recharger and 8 batteries, 1 GB memory card and Canon camera bag. $441.29 total w/ two-day shipping. (I want it for that band competition!:eek: )

I am glad you approve, Dennis. Now if I can find your kind of eye for setting up the shots....:rolleyes: