Anyone Use Lotrel for BP?

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2004
Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch, FL. (Heart Still In Chi
As a follow-up to my thread on Altace not working for me, I met with my cardio earlier today. As a result, we are now going to try Lotrel. Per the information he supplied and quick internet research session, this is a combo ACE inhibitor and channel blocker. The dosage is 10mg Ace and 5mg Channel blocker combined in one pill. He wants me to try this for one week as I was still registering 140/90 while taking 10mg of Altace.

He also recommended that I have a kidney ultrasound done to make sure my kidneys aren't blocking the medication. He said some kidneys have narrow blood vessels which then trick the body/heart into thinking it needs to force blood harder through the system. If this would be the case, they would insert stents (similar to the heart) into the kidneys through a catheter (sp?). As a healthy young man of 43 (outside of my AVR of course), I would not look forward to that procedure. He did indicate it is very rare, but something that should be checked.

Anyone have any experience with Lotrel and/or the kidney ultrasound? Apparently Joe Montana is the celebrity spokesperson for Lotrel so that's reassuring.:confused:
Hi Allen,

My husband takes Lotrel for high bp, the only side effect he has with it, is some swelling in his ankles and feet. He has also had the kidney ultrasound to check for narrow arteries, since his blood pressure is very stubborn.

They didn't find anything wrong with the arteries though, the test itself was very easy, and didn't take very long.

I was also on Lotrel for awhile for my high bp, but I couldn't tolerate it, I had severe swelling of the feet, but I don't think everyone gets it that bad. I am now on DiovanHCT and I love it.

Hope this helps.



I have been on Lotrel for over a year, with no side effects at all...just upped the dose as the blood pressure has risen a bit....

In the waiting room
Hi Allen,

We talked on your first thread about Ace Inhibitors - I'm on lisinopril and my BP keeps spiking from time to time as well. I'm glad that your cardio changed your meds and I will cross my fingers that it does the trick for you without any side effects. I'm also sending positive thoughts that no problems are found with your kidneys.
Keep us posted!
Take Care!
Interesting- I was taking Altace- did not have good results- was switched to
Lotrel and having more acceptable readings. I had kept mentioning to my doctor that my blood pressure was too high, he did nothing. I talked with the PA of my cardiologist and they switched me to Lotrel. thank goodness!!
I have had alot of interesting experiences with the health care field and am convinced you need to be knowledgeable and to speak up. Just out of curiousity, have you had a good experience with Lotrel?
I've had high bp for almost 30 years. Prior to my surgeries it was controlled by a beta blocker, but since then I've been on Diovan and Lasix. Over the last couple of months it has risen so my doc has been trying different drugs. I can't take ACE inhibitors so he tried two calcium channel blockers and both made me swell and constipated me:eek: , so now I'm trying more Diovan and Hytrin, which is an alpha blocker. Don't know yet if it is working since I just started a higher dose of the Hytrin. I'm also having trouble with low heart rate. Hope you get your bp under control. It is a matter of finding the right drug or combination of drugs. I've also had my kidneys looked at several times and there is nothing wrong. I think it is called essential hypertension.

Keep us posted on your progress.
