Anyone Use Altace for High BP?

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2004
Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch, FL. (Heart Still In Chi
Just returned from my annual cardio appointment today. Good news is that the echo (first one since surgery 2.5 years ago) came back fine with the St. Jude clicking away fine.

However, I'm still hanging around the 140/90 BP range so my cardio wants me to try 5mg of Altace. Post surgery, I was on Toprol XL and even at a low dose, I didn't like the side effects.

Anyone use this? I heard about 2% of the users develop an annoying cough.
I'm pretty sure this is an ACE inhibitor. If you develop the cough, call the doc - there are several of these and you can probably find one that doesn't make you cough (I tried a generic to save some money & had coughing issues - went back to Mavik & no problems).
I had two different cards recommend Altace for me. My research indicated that it was recommended for everyone in the general population over 50. I had no blood pressure issues at all, and I wasn't 50 yet, and I didn't want another medication.

Now that I have turned 50, I haven't gone back and begged for a prescription either. I think there are at least a dozen very similar alternatives to Altace, all with roughly the same effect, if you should have coughing issues.
My mom uses Altace and Coreg both. She is 65 and her mitral valve oinker had its first birthday last week!:) It has gotten ber bp to around 95/100 over about 55. She doesn't seem to have the cough and her cardio is happy with the results! Good Luck!!! Deb
My wife has been on it for about three years.
Most drugs give her very bad side effects, but this one doesn't seem to be a problem.
It has kept her BP at around 115/70.
I'm on 2.5mg Altace and I take it in the morning. I do have a cough, but it's no big deal--it feels like I get a dry spot at the very back of my throat (a bit sharper than a tickle) when I first get into bed at night. I cough 2-4 times, take a swallow or two of water and I'm fine. Otherwise, no cough.
PJmomrunner said:
I'm on 2.5mg Altace and I take it in the morning. I do have a cough, but it's no big deal--it feels like I get a dry spot at the very back of my throat (a bit sharper than a tickle) when I first get into bed at night. I cough 2-4 times, take a swallow or two of water and I'm fine. Otherwise, no cough.

Thanks. I just started and my cardio said he might move me down to 2.5 mg depending on how I respond to the 5 mg dose. I can't say I felt any side effects yet, however I guess the Ace Inhibitors cause the dry throat/cough. I'm not coughing, however it does feel like my throat is dry. How much did you BP lower as a result of the 2.5 mg dose?
PJmomrunner said:
With the addition of the Altace, my average BP went from 109/77 to 103/71, so a drop of 6/6.

Thanks. So your cardio felt the original 109/77 was too high? I thought the 120/80 was the target or is that the top of the "OK" range?

My first home test resulted in 130/80 so I guess it's starting to work.