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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Hi Gang,

I am currently taking Amioderone, post surgery, but only for a shor time I believe.
This is to totally prevent me from any A-Fib issues while recovering. I am aware that this is not the drug of choice for long term maintainance of A-fib.

My doctor recommended that I start taking Dronedarone, and stop taking the Amioderone. This newer drug supposedly has taken the harmful "iodine" out of the formula.

Is anyone currently taking this drug?, If so, how is it working for you? Side effects. etc?

Thanks for any help on this as I continue to research,

Hey Rob, I took Multaq at the beginning of this year for all of my rhythm issues before my ablation had a chance to work. It was the only drug that was successful for me besides the Amiodarone. I had some side effects, but can't remember what they were now. It's worth a try.

Glad to see you are still doing well.

Caution however. My sister is a rep for Multaq, and says it's only effective for about 20% of patients. It seems they swapped bad side effects on amiodarone for lower efficacy on Multaq.

So if it works, great! If it doesn't, oh well. Sister suggests trying sotalol as an option if the Multaq doesn't work.
Yes. Ask your Cardiologist about using Sotalol instead.
It has few side effects once you adjust to it.
(It may have an impact on your 'manliness' however)
Hi Pat,

I had to ""fire" my old cardiologist.. I wont get into it right now, let's just say some doctors have huge egos.

My new Cadioligost to me to just stop the Amioderone. Since I am on a whole new regiment of pills after my surgery, (my post surgery dischage drug list), he dicided not to replicate what I was on before, and make sure that I was covered with the critical drugs I really required, such as Coumadin, Atenolol, Amlodipine, and an 81 mg aspirin. I am ok with that. With all the work I had done to me, I think a new base line of what I really need is good.

Thanks for asking. I am still getting better a day at a time. Although, I did spend 6hours on Weds of this week in the ER due to some post surgery issues. I think we have it under control now though. The good news is that they ran a fresh set of tests, CT'x, X-rays, etc and they all agreed that the work I had done at Cleveland looks real good! Hooorrrrry!!!!!

I was switched from Amiodarone to Multaq after Multaq was approved in order to get away from the negative side effects of Amiodarone. I found Multaq to be as effective as Amiodarone, I never went back into a-fib while on it. I'm off of it altogether now since my surgery and Maze procedure but if god forbid I ever had a-fib episodes again I would go right back on Multaq.
hi rob,
joey was on amiodarone for years (scant dose) but it kept him in sinus rhythm. he finally decided it was time to come off the stuff and took multaq for a bit_ not fully effective. sotalol did not work so that 's out. he is now on tikosyn and although it's somewhat effective, it's not 100%.
he is looking into ablation right now, hoping this will do the trick for once and for all.
hope you are well,