Anyone in the UK been "bumped" more than once?

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Oct 14, 2008
Surrey, UK
Hi - I just had my surgery date changed - on the day of surgery.

Not sure if it is a usual NHS thing here in the UK for OHS or not, so thought I would post on it and see if anyone else has had the experience.

Reasons for being bumped off the list were:

1 - they had some emergency cases come in that morning which they needed to deal with - obviously can't complain about that.
2 - an angiogram and CT scan the day before surgery showed I had a 6 cm dilated aorta so they are recommending I have that replaced while they are "in there". And that being a longer and more complex procedure, with double the "in hospital" bed time required meant that they didn't have the bed space for me.

Obviously I can't complain if others are worse than me and need more immediate treatment, but the delay is annoying (now to take place on 7th Jan), leaving me with 3 more weeks of anxious waiting (as you all say that is the hardest part) and not to mention it will cost me around £4,000 in lost earnings (everything was planned perfectly for recovery of Christmas!).

Don't get me wrong - there are obviously things I am grateful for as well - like being able to have elective rather than emergency surgery etc. But I just wanted to see if anyone here had experience of being bumped more than once? Because this happening twice will be intolerably annoying.

Plus I just needed somewhere to rant :D I feel better already.
I really feel for you, it must be soul destroying to be told it's not happening at the 11th hour. I had OHS last thursday and was second on the list for that day pre warned by the surgeon there was only a 70% chance they'd fit me in and if they couldn't it's not a case of moving to the next day but getting a new date altegether. I witnessed several people coming and going from the ward that week with no op.
With these complex operations they never know if they'll fit in one or two in a day. Having said that I'd have though being "bumped" twice is just bad luck !?
Hang in there and enjoy Christmas best you can.
Cheers Woodbutcher - also incredibly encouraging that you had OHS last Thursday!! and you are posting already. That alone has cheered me up no end :D
That's right, just 8 days ago, I'm not out of the woods yet by a long way but it's good to be home and on the mend. Everything has just slowed right down for me ... Like walking on the moon !
So sorry you have to endure this added stress. It is definitely difficult..... we can all feel for that!

If it makes you feel at all better, it happens to some of us here in the states, as well.
My first surgery was an emergency. I was in CICU waiting to be well enough to be able to have the surgery. Even still, the day I finally was to have it, the nurse told me I could still be brought back up to Intensive Care without having my surgery if someone worse was brought in. I bumped someone who was previously scheduled from their spot as I needed this surgery urgently.

Thankfully, both times, I had my surgery as scheduled but feel for your added stress.

Try to enjoy the holidays in the expectation of having your surgery early into the New Year.
that must be the worst ! to build up to it and then have to go home ,hope you get the first slot next time !think if you check under the goverments nhs rules they are supposed to operate with in 3 months from when your referred to surgery
I'm in the US but had surgery canceled once, and then got bumped twice for emergency surgeries. I just celebrated 24 years with my valve and Dacron graft. There is no added stay for our procedure that I know of. I think you should try to get rescheduled ASAP. That's not something you want to put off. All the best, Brian
Thanks guys - it is good to know that it wasn't just me then, and not just the UK's NHS either - that actually makes me feel better.

Fingers crossed they do me as scheduled on the 7th Jan - can you believe that is also my Birthday??!! who says the NHS doesn't have a sense of Humour!
I think it FABULOUS you will have your surgery on your birthday. How appropriate. Many of us call our successful surgeries our 're-birthdays'. You will never forget the date. ;)
Good luck, I hope it goes well, I am sure it will, hang in there with the NHS, they do great things !! From Bit Of Achicken, repaired coarctation and bicuspid valve, not replaced, yet, hopefully not until another decade !!
Yep, 3 times before my sons first surgery, twice for emergencys and the 3rd we was sent home day of surgery because he had a tummy bug. 4 times before his second surgery 1 emergency and i guess the other 3 they just didn't have a bed for us. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that all goes ahead on the 7th. It can be hard to deal with when they mess you around with dates and like eveyone says, the waiting is one of the hardest parts to get through. Best wishes.
AAAAHHHHHHHH - just got home - again - from being bumped for the second time. As if the waiting and build up isn't hard enough, to keep having it put back again and again - on the day of surgery each time - is intolerable.

At least this time it is only 5 days as opposed to a month, and they have promised me I am at the top of the list now. However I can't believe that there still isn't a good chance of it happening again seeing as bed supply, emergency cases, flu epidemic and Nova Virus are all obviously out of their control.

Maybe it is all just a ploy - to change your attitude from "dreading it to take place" to "really wanting it to take place" - after all just because your paranoid it doesn't mean that they aren't really after you!!!

Anyway - nothing constructive to post, just ranting my annoyance as you lot are the only ones I know who will understand the anguish involved in waiting for OHS.
Sorry you have been put through this again but glad that you won't have to wait for very long. Hoping that things work out and you get quickly over the horrible waiting part. All the best.
Greetings from Staffordshire

Greetings from Staffordshire

Hi there.
When I went in for my surgery the lady opposite had a raised temerature and she got sent home.
My surgeon got called into a complecated surgery the morning of my turn. I was the 2pm slot. He was still in surgery at 2pm so I was offered a bump or another surgeon. I chose the other sugeon as I had arranged family to child sit etc and did not think I could do the pre op wait in hospital again.
My other thought that if there are loads of bugs in the hospital at the moment then you are at a higher risk too after surgery as they knock out all your bacteria with drugs. The bad bacteria grow back quicker than the good so you need a good clean environment. I was unlucky enough to get C-Difficile Toxin, and let me tell you thet was NOT fun. So it's probably safer to wait at home.
Hope it all goes well for you and you'll soon be posting that it's all done.
Oh my goodness...... I so feel for you. The added stress of having to go twice and have surgery called off and now wait a third time is over the top. I sure hope they gave you something to try and help you through this wait.

Keep thinking there is a reason for everything (though we don't know what it is) and it is for the best your surgery did not go off. Hang in there and try to find some fun things to enjoy during the wait.

My thoughts really and truly are with you. I don't know how I would have handled what you are coping with. My full respect......

And Best Wishes.
Happy Belated Birthday

Happy Belated Birthday

Sorry to hear your surgery was cancelled again. Hope you were able to have a good birthady anyways :)
My surgery is scheduled for 2 weeks today, still fighting chest hoping mine doesn't end up being post least our doctors didn't break a leg.....(right zipper2;))
Sorry to hear your surgery was cancelled again. Hope you were able to have a good birthady anyways :)
My surgery is scheduled for 2 weeks today, still fighting chest hoping mine doesn't end up being post least our doctors didn't break a leg.....(right zipper2;))

Buffys so right:rolleyes:omgosh and waitings the worst scenerio
in all of this especially with the cancellations cus you psyche
up it's going to be done and i can understand others needing
emergency surgery,no one plans heart attacks etc but the chances
of your heart surgeon hit by a car and surgery himself,hard to believe
i mean we think they (surgeons) are invincible......never they are human
and anything i,ve been taught recently can happen to them.
not his fault i got cancelled ,so again im in the waiting room.i was there for so
long,i haven,t forgotten the
all the best:)
