Anyone here had a trans radial catheterization?

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2011
Kansas City, MO
I have a preoperative appointment on January 9th to have a trans radial catheterization in order to get a better look at my coronary arteries. I didn't have to do this on my first OHS and I am just wondering if anyone else has had this done prior to their OHS. I'm not worried about it, but just unsure what to expect. I haven't been able to find too much online about the patient experiences for this procedure.
Yes...I just had it. It's the only way to go now for cath procedures. Light sedation, they numb your wrist with a few topical injections, then you feel nothing as they insert a cath shield into the radial artery. The cath probe is introduced into the wrist and arm via the shield. It is painless and you really don't feel anything. But the best news is the recovery. They use a pressure dressing that is actually an inflatable air bladder wrapped around your wrist. You have to keep the arm still for a couple of hours but it's nothing like the old recovery when the groin artery was used and you had to lie still on your back for several hours. Believe me, this is they way to go for a heart cath.
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I had a catheterization performed at HUP in July to get a peek at my coronary arteries but they went in thru my femoral, wonder why this other procedure wasn't mentioned.
I had mine in the old place years ago, in the groin and was in the observation for two hours. Was totally different than when I was a little beanstock. Glad things have changed. I will look into that when they talk again about doing a cath.