Anyone had a Heart Catheterization with Exercise?

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Mar 26, 2015
Maple Valley, WA
Has anyone done a heart catheterization with exercise? I have never heard of this test and my cardiologist has never done it before but has read about it. They are trying it on someone in 2 weeks and I will be person #2 to get it. I want to know what your experience was and what they learned from the test. They cath you through the neck and then you ride a bike. I have to say I am feeling very nervous about it.
I have not had nor heard of such a test. I would want to know for what benefit they want to subject me to it. I'm not big on being their 'student' to hone their skills.
If my cardiologist could not provide an answer that satisfies me, I would decline. Why is doing this better than a normal cath? Why You? Just because you are willing?

Never heard of this either and I would want to know the reasons too. During a cath you are very still, I would be concerned the movement could increase the risk artery damage, bleeding.
Never have any test w/o a good reason for the test and a full explanation of all risks. If you can't express that here on the forum, you probably don't yet have sufficient information to decide. I've never heard of it either, but then that's not really unusual : )
My simple question would be "Why?"

In my case, there was no doubt that I was in line for a valve replacement, so the only reason they did a cath was to assess other work to be done "while we're in there."