Another question about meds and mitral valve

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2012
I asked a question yesterday about my boyfriend and the meds he is on. If he isn't feeling well after being on these meds (beta blockers) since December - is it serious and if he doesn't have surgery soon can he have a heart attack? I don't know why he is prolonging it. He is talking to different surgeons and I'm sure he is scared but I would think he would want to get this taken care of as soon as possible!
When I was making my decisions about mitral valve repair/replacement, one very important thing my cardiologist told me is 'there is a point of no return'. There is such a thing as waiting too long and the surgery is no longer possible.

I hope you boyfriend makes his decision to go forward very soon.
ALL best wishes.
There can also be a point at which what could have been a repair becomes a replacement. I also remember my surgeon telling me that if a repair was done prior to the onset of significant symptoms (e.g. Afib), then I would be essentially cured and my life expectancy would be the same as if I had never had my mitral valve problem, whereas, if I waited until after my heart started to fail, it still may be able to be repaired (or replaced), but my life expectancy would have already been adversely impacted. He illustrated his point by bouncing a pen toward the edge of the desk and showing that I was hovering near the edge. As he dropped the pen over the edge, he said, "should we wait until you go over the edge?". He also emphasized his point by asking, "when is your valve/heart going to fail?" or "when are you going to go into Afib?". To which I obviously said,"I don't know.". He said, "oh yeah...[smacking his forehead]...neither do I.". I was not happy about having surgery...especially because I have a 3 year old daughter with a stay-at-home dad...I provide all of the financial support for our family. Now that I'm on the other side, I am soon happy to have this ordeal over with. I was healthy going in, so I've gotten back to "normal" fairly quickly (almost 6 weeks, post MV repair). That being said, my cardio did "protect me" from the big bad surgeons for the five years leading up to my surgery by monitoring me very closely for any changes. That's my experience...for what it's worth...
Hi Mom2izzy,
I can understand that! I know he has been to a few surgeons but he is going to a few more and I'm not sure why he is waiting so long. I guess you just never know what can happen when you are in this type of situation and are this sick! I haven't seen him in almost 3 months and I'm hoping the reason is not because he doesn't want to see me, but because he is feeling so tired and awful all the time. I don't mean to sound selfish!! I am happy that you are feeling good now. Are you still on meds and are you feeling back to your normal self?
I was asymptomatic before surgery and was not on any medication. Although I had some pre-op anxiety, I wasn't tired or sick. At 5 weeks post op, I was taken off all medications other than a low dose beta blocker and aspirin. The beta blocker causes some occasional, very minor dizzy spells, I will stay on this med for about 6 months. Following surgery (after coming home from the hospital), I went through a few phases...first, I was still in pain and adapting to medications, then I was feeling pretty good but still focussing 100% on recovery, so always thinking about it, then my doctor released me to drive and lift more than 5 pounds, so now I am feeling pretty "normal" again. The surgeon says soon it will all be a distant memory and I will not think about it any more frequently than I think about my left ear.

I hope things work out for you and your boyfriend...
Hi again Mom2izzy,
Well, I really think the meds are doing a number on him. I'm sure he will be taken off the meds before surgery. I hope he won't have to be on any meds for any length of time after surgery. That is great that you are feeling pretty normal again!
Thanks for getting back to me!
Mom2izzy, where did you get your repair done and by which surgeon? I am kind of in your shoes, almost severe MR, no significant symptoms. Even Cleveland says not an emergency but chances of repair is 95% now not sure what it will be later.