Another Call For Prayers

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2005
Newton, MA
I got home from work tonight to find out on Facebook a good friend had a heart attack. I had been thinking of him as I drove home from work. He's a musician, and plays in a band I love every Tues night. I saw him last week, but left early. I heard he is "stable" but don't know more. He is a great friend that has enriched my life more than I can say. So please, say a prayer, make a wish, send some hope and healing to my friend John. Thanks, your valve brother, Brian
Brian ask and its done
Thanks folks. He is still in ICU in critical condition due to other complications, and surgeries. He is doing better and we are hoping he'll move to stepdown soon. Thanks again, your valve brother, Brian
Dear friends, John is getting better. He is still in ICU as far as I know, but his heart is in "miraculous" shape, and so is his brain! He has had a couple of emergency surgeries, one for a colon infection, + ??? but is winning the fight. You can find him on Facebook under John Sands, and his fans under Team Huggy. Thanks, Your valve bro, Brian
Glad he is getting better, Brian.

Thoughts/prayers continuing, of course....

Cort | 37.m.IL.pigValve.pacemaker | 5 Monte Carlos + 1 Caprice Classic |
** RadioShow.CDshowcase.HOLIDAY | Friday | 12.24.2010 | noon-4p.CENTRAL = **
"Rockies are calling, Denver snow falling" ... Steve Wariner/Alabama ... 'Tennessee Christmas'
It is a "miracle" story, but he is alive, with remarkable heart recovery. They had a transplant surgeon as part of his team, but say his heart is in good shape much to their surprise. His kidneys haven't come back yet. There is some function but for now he is on dialysis every other day. I think this must be very uncomfortable because he is really swelled up. He had a lung infection, and has a trach tube. Feeding tube came out Friday, and he has had some real food. His mind is back, but his body is very slow to follow. Please keep the prayers coming, as this is going to be a long road. Thanks, Brian